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About AllKidsCan@Plumcroft Primary School
AllKidsCan@Plumcroft Primary School
Plumcroft Primary School, Vincent Road Campus, 50 Vincent Road, London, SE18 6RG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy, safe and secure at the club.
They demonstrate that they know the routines well. Children display positive relationships with each other and are keen to participate in multi-sport activities and games. For example, young children engage in imaginative play on the grass area.
Older children confidently climb the large wooden boat structure. Staff have high expectations for all children. They use their knowledge about children to help them to plan and provide activities, which are age and stage appropriate.
Staff work with parents to ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disab...ilities can participate in all activities and experiences. They make adjustments to ensure that the club is inclusive and children have access to the required level of support. For example, children, who do not want to participate in specific games, enjoy calling out the numbers.
Children listen well and patiently wait for their turn to run when their number is called. Children behave well. They develop good physical skills.
Children are encouraged to be independent. For example, they wash their hands after using the bathroom and know when they need to drink water to stay hydrated.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children develop their physical skills daily, inside and outdoors.
They have a good understanding about what makes them healthy. For instance, children take their water bottles with them when they use different parts of the building and access fresh drinking water outside.Staff have positive interactions with children.
Children seek out staff to engage with them. For example, staff share tips with children as they play together to help children to develop and improve their skills. This builds on children's confidence.
Parents are happy with the care their children receive. They say that the managers work closely with them to gather information and support their children. Parents are kept well informed.
For instance, they receive information about the activities and menus. Children comment that they enjoy their time at the club. They tell the inspector they like playing football and the gymnastics sessions.
The club supports the broad age range of children that attend. Staff organise activities well to offer a range of challenge according to children's capabilities. For instance, young children take great delight in participating in games to get points for their team.
Older children take pride in being responsible for their team. Children enjoy the awards ceremony at the end of the week to celebrate their achievements.Staff work together as a team.
They say that they feel well supported. The providers are passionate about providing high-quality care. They implement robust recruitment and induction procedures.
This means that staff are suitable and understand their roles. Senior managers carry out visits, observe staff's practice and give feedback. This helps to drive improvements forward.
Children are polite and patiently take turns during games with their friends. For instance, they listen, follow instructions and walk carefully down the outdoor staircase to the play area. However, on occasions, staff are not always consistent when communicating their expectations to children during activities.
Having said that, children's behaviour is good.Staff encourage children to talk about their feelings. Children confidently seek support from staff when they are hurt or upset.
Staff are attentive and encourage children to talk through ways to solve problems and disagreements. This builds on children's negotiation skills. Children develop their emotional well-being.
Older children are kind and include the youngest children in their play. For example, they involve them in dodgeball games and imaginative play when they use the large climbing equipment. Staff support children to try new activities.
Children have a can-do attitude and receive lots of positive praise for their efforts.Staff supervise children well and support them to move safely around the school building and outside. For example, children know they need to ask staff when they want to leave to use the bathroom.
They have a good understanding of how to keep safe.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of how to protect children from harm and are clear about their role and responsibilities to safeguard children.
They know the local referral procedure to follow in the event of concerns for children's welfare. Staff know what they would do if they had any concerns about a colleague. They understand how to report these concerns in line with local safeguarding procedures.
The provider enables staff to access annual training in safeguarding. Leaders check that this knowledge is up to date, such as how to respond to concerns about female genital mutilation and county lines. Staff carry out risk assessments to ensure that the club is safe.