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Allens Montessori Day Nursery, 47 Beulah Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 8JH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff greet children warmly on arrival.
The cheerful and relaxed atmosphere ensures that children feel comfortable and settle in quickly. Parents appreciate the 'family' atmosphere, where the caring and professional staff make them feel welcome. The children have good relationships with staff and each other.
These help them develop attachments and a sense of belonging. Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure and speak with confidence to visitors to the nursery. Staff are good role models, carefully teaching children positive behaviours and routines.
Children are praised for their efforts and when they w...ait their turn. This helps to promote their self-esteem.The staff are sensitive to each child's unique needs and background.
Their close collaboration with parents and other professionals supports all children in making good progress from their starting points. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Children are independent and motivated learners.
They develop their imagination and problem-solving skills. For instance, they decide to fill a bucket with sand to pour on the bottom cog to stop the wheel from turning. They delight in painting their own creations.
Children learn to keep themselves safe when they are taught to use the stairs carefully.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has designed a curriculum that seamlessly blends Montessori philosophy with the early years foundation stage. Staff assess children regularly and include language and communication trackers to ensure that all children make good progress.
Their positive and sensitive interactions with the children foster children's happiness and motivation to learn.The provider conducts supervision discussions and ensures that staff complete mandatory training. Additional support is provided to less experienced staff to help them improve over time.
However, there are instances where specific training needs are not identified to further individual staff's professional development.Children cultivate good hygiene habits and an understanding of healthy lifestyles. They wash their hands before meals and learn tooth-brushing techniques.
Outdoors, they joyfully develop their large-muscle skills, adeptly using the slide and manoeuvring wheeled toys. Children learn ball skills, and staff intervene sensitively to support children to play team games. This helps children to learn the rules and behave well.
Staff support the communication and language skills of all children effectively. For those needing support, including children with SEND, staff provide picture references and use sign language. Children enjoy cuddling up with staff to read their favourite books, and they are encouraged to recall popular words and phrases.
The ongoing dialogue that is provided by staff, along with the use of singing, helps to support young children's early communication skills. For older children, staff enhance their awareness of letters and sounds by encouraging them to identify the letters and sounds that are associated with various objects.Relationships with parents are strong.
Parents speak highly of the nursery and feel well informed about their children's progress. They appreciate the diverse culture, noting that it meets their child's unique needs. Parents report that their children are well prepared for school and develop strong language and social skills.
However, the provider does not routinely seek views from parents to further help with continual improvements.Staff support children effectively to develop their independence skills by encouraging them to try tasks for themselves. For instance, children engage in practical activities, such as pouring water from a jug, which boosts their confidence to pour their own drinks.
Additionally, children learn to tidy up after completing an activity, fostering a sense of responsibility.Staff facilitate role play that allows children to re-enact their lived experiences. Children are highly engaged in their learning during these activities.
For instance, children thoroughly enjoy washing play pots and pans, carefully placing them on the rack to dry. They beam with pride when showing visitors their completed washing-up. During this play, they take turns, share equipment and discuss their home life.
Staff provide children with ample opportunities to engage in and revisit activities that enhance their mathematical abilities. For example, children practise sequencing with cylinders and rods of various sizes. They pair objects that are based on size and texture and complete puzzles, which helps them understand shapes and develop motor skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nidentify training opportunities to consistently build on staff's professional development to further enhance their skills seek views from parents to help support the evaluation of the nursery and how further improvements can be made.
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Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.