Allstar Community Academy - The Activity Club Beaulieu Park

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About Allstar Community Academy - The Activity Club Beaulieu Park

Name Allstar Community Academy - The Activity Club Beaulieu Park
Address The Beaulieu Park School, Armistice Avenue, Springfield Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 6DT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at the club and are greeted warmly by the staff. Children are eager to join in with the activities on offer to them, which include imaginative play items, board games and arts and crafts resources.

They show enjoyment in what they are doing and smile and laugh with one another and staff. They spend their time between the indoor and outdoor areas.Children are cared for by staff who know them and their families well.

Staff use their knowledge of the children's preferences and development levels to plan exciting activities that are relevant to the children attending. Children are supported by staff who... offer suggestions to extend their learning and provide additional resources that allow children to achieve their goals.Children behave well and know what is expected of them.

They are respectful of their friends and the staff. Children are encouraged to be kind and caring towards each other. They build meaningful relationships and enjoy sharing stories about their day with each other.

Children demonstrate good levels of independence. They choose their own activities, meet their own personal care needs and collect their own belongings at the end of the session. Children are confident to speak to visitors and share their experiences at the setting with them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children decide if they would like to play indoors or outdoors. Staff deploy themselves effectively so that they can support children's chosen play and ensure their safety. There are opportunities for the children to climb, run and build outside.

The children learn about taking risks. They develop their coordination and balance as they climb the apparatus. The children benefit from fresh air and physical play outside.

Staff support children to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Children are encouraged to wash their hands before eating and staff explain to the children why they do this. Nutritious meals are provided that cater to all children's individual dietary needs.

Fresh drinking water is freely available. The benefits of good sleeping habits are discussed with the children.Staff are aware of children's medical needs.

They work in partnership with parents and the host school to make sure that procedures are in place to support children and keep them safe. Risk assessments are in place and followed to minimise accidents and appropriate procedures are followed in the event of an accident.Staff understand the need to role model positive behaviour and to remind children of the rules of the setting.

However, they do not always explain the reasons why the rules exist in order to help the children understand the consequences of their actions.Parents report on their experiences at the setting positively. They speak of the friendly and approachable staff and the good communication they receive from them.

They state that their children enjoy their time at the club and settled well when they began attending. The staff have a good relationship with the teachers and support staff at the host school. They communicate with them daily and gather important information about children's individual needs to promote continuity of care.

Staff work in partnership with the host school to identify and support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Staff receive ongoing support from the manager in the form of regular staff meetings and supervisory meetings. The manager uses these opportunities to discuss with staff any training needs they have or any support they require.

Staff are offered frequent training and development opportunities.Staff are reflective and strive to make improvements to the club to benefit the children. They have recently moved into a larger hall and have spent time reflecting on various aspects of the provision to provide the best outcomes for the children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure knowledge of safeguarding and know the referral process to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare. They regularly update their safeguarding knowledge through training and meetings.

Staff have an awareness about wider safeguarding issues, such as extremist views and county lines. The provider has robust recruitment processes in place to ensure that all new staff are thoroughly vetted. New staff receive an in-depth induction, which includes familiarising themselves with the company's relevant procedures and shadowing opportunities with experienced staff.

Also at this postcode
Jesters Childcare Beaulieu Allstar Community Academy - The Activity Club Beaulieu Park 2 The Beaulieu Park School

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