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Camphill Centre, Hunsbury Hill Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN4 9UW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The staff place children at the heart of every decision made at the nursery. Children are excited to arrive at the nursery.
As soon as the door opens, they rush in with glee. They are greeted by caring staff who respond to the needs of each child, whether it is a cuddle or listening to what they have eaten for breakfast. Children willingly share their home experiences and know that what they say will be valued by the staff.
New children settle extremely quickly and form close bonds with staff. Staff skilfully use information from parents and their own observations and assessments to plan the experiences they off...er to children. Children are motivated and are supported by knowledgeable staff who promote their learning and development to an exceptionally high level.
Children become deeply absorbed in their learning, for example, as they use spray bottles to melt ice to reveal hidden sea creatures. Managers and staff consider children's well-being to be essential to progress. This is reflected by the caring interactions between the staff and children.
Children are sensitive to the needs of others and are polite and well mannered. They play together purposefully and show great consideration for their friends. For example, when crossing a wet bridge, children help each other by taking each other's hands.
As they reach the other side, they respond with 'thank you' and ask if they would like some help in return.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Managers have designed an ambitious curriculum that puts the well-being of children at the heart of what they do. They thoroughly evaluate the environment with a focus to find new ways to improve all areas of the setting.
Staff work seamlessly together as they strive to ensure the best possible start for every child at the nursery.Staff have an extensive understanding of the curriculum and how children learn. They skilfully plan for children's next steps to precisely match their individual needs.
All staff know the children exceptionally well, even those children who have only just started. This allows staff to move children's learning on from the moment they start nursery.Managers and staff place a high importance on children's language development.
Children learn new words as staff extend their knowledge and language through play. They talk about curved sides and edges as children draw patterns with their 'index finger'.Children who speak English as an additional language develop their understanding of the English language quickly.
Staff use key vocabulary from children's home language to enhance their learning of the English language. Staff support children to respect the diversity of all people by embracing different celebrations. They invite parents to share their family's cultures and religious events with the children.
The staff support children to make excellent progress in their mathematical development. Older children recall prior learning when finding shapes in the sand. They describe how a 'spiral looks like a firework' and that a 'square has four sides the same size.'
Younger children join in number songs and staff support them with counting as they jump.Staff strive to ensure that all children are taught skills to become independent learners. Children are highly independent as they put on rain suits and wellington boots when going outside.
They confidently use cutlery when eating and can pour their own water into a cup. Even the youngest children are encouraged to wash their hands after a nappy change. As a result, older children naturally become independent with their self-care.
Leadership and management is exceptional. The inspirational leadership team has embedded a rigorous system to support and monitor the development of staff. Leaders have high expectations for all staff and this is reflected in everyday practice.
Staff are enthused to develop their own practice. They seek out training courses to improve their own skills and knowledge. As a result, all staff hold an early years childcare qualification.
The senior team meets regularly with staff to discuss their progress and general well-being. Staff report they love working at the nursery and feel valued.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive excellent support.
Staff are quick to identify and act on any concerns. They recognise the importance of working with other professionals, such as health visitors and speech and language therapists. This ensures that children receive any early intervention they may need as swiftly as possible so that all children make excellent progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff have a culture of safeguarding that allows them to identify children who are at risk and to refer any concerns. The safeguarding policies and procedures are stringent and extremely well understood.
As a result, staff are highly confident in identifying signs and symptoms of abuse. They understand what they must do should they have any concerns about children's well-being or the conduct of their colleagues. Managers regularly check that staff understand their role in safeguarding through questioning, regular safeguarding newsletters and ongoing training.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.