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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Staff build warm relationships with children and know them well. They demonstrate consistently positive interactions with children.
Children show that they are happy to attend. Staff gather important information from parents to help them to manage children's health, skin care and dietary needs. Staff share their assessments of children's learning and discuss potential concerns about their development with parents.
Staff support children to develop their self-care and independence, for example as they show children methods to put on their coats. Older children manage their lunch bags and self-serve their lunch. Babies atte...mpt to put on their boots and feed themselves from an early stage.
Staff implement flexible sleep routines. They gently soothe children to sleep and and complete regular visual checks on them. Staff recognise the importance of fresh air and exercise.
They plan local outings and walks in the local community to support children's learning. Children enjoy their time outdoors, including visits to the library and soft play. At times, staff do not plan or implement activities that fully engage children in learning, particularly at busy times such as the start of the day.
Nonetheless, children make steady progress from their starting points in learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have struggled to establish a stable and qualified staff team. Although staffing arrangements are now more secure, they do not plan well enough for busy periods or unexpected staff absences.
At times, not enough qualified staff work with children. Leaders have differing views of the pre-school's effectiveness. This has an impact on their ability to agree priorities for action in order to develop and improve the service.
Leaders have made some positive changes to the learning environment for younger children. Training has led to a better understanding of how to implement an effective curriculum. However, the lack of qualified staff means that leaders are often required to take on important or unexpected tasks.
This results in weaker arrangements for the oversight and supervision of staff.Some leaders develop clear action plans to address weaknesses in the quality of education. However, they have limited time available to successfully implement them.
Leaders help staff to gain recognised qualifications and work effectively with external advisors to help staff understand how children learn best. Leaders use their knowledge of local services to seek more specialist support when gaps in children's learning persist.Although activities are not always successful, staff provide sequenced learning opportunities to help children to practise important skills.
Pre-school children focus for long periods as they squeeze pipettes and squirt water. They pick at, and peel off, adhesive backing from sticky shapes to decorate a 'gingerbread house' that they make. This helps to develop their small hand muscles.
Children go on to confidently use scissors to create windows for the house.The curriculum does not currently meet the learning needs of all children. Some children, including those who are more able or those who need support with their communication and language, do not make the progress they are capable of.
This is because activities are not adapted well enough. When some children become distracted during group story time, for example, leaders intervene and find alternatives for them.Parents speak warmly of the caring staff team.
They appreciate weekly activity packs to support their child's learning at home and nursery events, such as Sports Day. Some children speak confidently, including to the inspector, about their family and their experiences away from the pre-school. However, staff do not yet consider how to help children understand and value each other's backgrounds, languages and traditions as part of the curriculum.
Children behave well, overall. They listen to and respond to staff's instructions. Children develop warm friendships and older children invite their friends into their play.
At times, staff do not clearly explain their expectations. This does not help younger children to understand the impact of what they do. However, most children willingly share resources and interact with well with others.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date ensure that staff qualification ratios are consistently maintained, including during busy periods or unexpected staff absence 17/01/2025 provide appropriate supervision and support, so that staff implement an engaging curriculum and plan activities that link to what children need to learn next 17/01/2025 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: broaden opportunities for children to recognise and value what makes them unique strengthen communication with parents to promote a shared approach to children's development and behaviour.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.