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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is inadequate
Weaknesses in leadership and management mean that children's welfare is not fully assured. The provider does not ensure that nursery procedures are effectively followed to keep children safe.
For example, on occasions, children are left unattended with visitors. The provider does not have effective arrangements in place for the two-way flow of information when children attend more than one setting to enable a shared approach to children's learning. The provider does not have an interesting, challenging and purposeful curriculum in place for children, and activities are not tailored to children's needs.
Children w...ho learn best outdoors are not provided with a stimulating and exciting outdoor curriculum to capture their interests. Despite these weaknesses, children appear settled and comfortable in the nursery. New children just beginning their nursery adventure enter excitedly, eager to begin their day.
They explore the selection of toys available to them, making pretend food for their baby dolls and taking good care of them. Other children, once settled, appear to be happy and content. Staff are kind and caring towards the children.
They respectfully ask them if they can change their nappies and help them to access their drinks when they are thirsty. Children generally behave well. Staff explain the rules to children to help them understand about sharing and taking turns.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has ambition and plans to develop the nursery further. However, there are currently weaknesses in the provision for children's welfare and learning needs. The provider does not adhere to the setting's visitor policy to ensure that children are not left unattended with visitors.
This compromises children's safety.The provider and staff meet weekly to discuss planning and to review the needs of the children attending. However, effective arrangements for the supervision of staff are not in place and staff are not being coached well enough to develop the quality of their teaching.
As a result, staff lack confidence in their abilities to fulfil their roles and responsibilities.There are no effective systems in place for the provider to work in partnership with other settings that children attend or professionals involved in their care. As a result, the provider does not have enough information about what the children are doing outside of the nursery to help to inform the planning of children's next steps in learning.
The staff and provider put in place some basic planning each week. However, the curriculum is not ambitious or effective. Staff do not use what they already know about children to build on their learning through challenging and exciting experiences.
When staff interact with the children, they provide information and ask them simple questions. However, they do not regularly model a wide range of vocabulary or use effective questions to encourage children's thinking skills. As a result, children do not make the best possible progress in relation to their communication and language development.
Staff do not recognise when children appear disinterested, such as when they run around indoors and do not engage in play with others or with the resources available. They do not take the initiative to change the planning, for example to provide outdoor experiences and learning.The provider and staff have good relationships with the parents and provide them with information about how their child has been during their time at nursery.
Parents comment that they chose the nursery for closeness to their home and because they liked the way in which it felt warm, clean and safe.The provider has been working with the local authority to help to establish policies and procedures and to develop a greater understanding of how to effectively manage the nursery provision.Children enjoy climbing the slide ladder and sliding down the other side.
Staff encourage children to explore the sand in the sandpit and provide a creative activity for children to create pictures from leaves.Staff demonstrate a suitable understanding of safeguarding. They know the importance of reporting any concerns about a child in their care and the procedures to follow.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date ensure children are not left unsupervised with visitors 20/09/2024 put in place effective arrangements for the supervision of staff to ensure professional development plans focus on improving staff's skills and knowledge and staff develop the confidence they need to carry out their responsibilities effectively 04/10/2024 enable a regular two-way flow of information between providers when children attend more than one setting 04/10/2024 implement an effective and ambitious curriculum that stimulates children's interests and responds to their emerging needs 04/10/2024 support staff to develop their teaching skills to ensure that all children benefit from rich interactions that support their language skills and challenge that helps them make at least good progress.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.