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The Red Lodge, London Road, Hartley Wintney, Hook, RG27 8HR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children show enthusiasm and joy as they join their friends in their chosen play. Staff provide a warm and inviting environment that fosters happiness and readiness for learning among the children. A wide range of activities are set up that are engaging and interesting for the children.
Staff encourage children to choose the activities and toys they would like to play with. Children focus and engage for sustained periods.Children seek the company of their friends and the staff.
They initiate conversations about their interests and enjoy sharing what they know about the toys they have chosen. Staff model language as the...y engage in meaningful conversations about what the children are doing. They know what it is they want children to learn and adapt their approach to meet their individual learning.
Children show pride and enthusiasm in their achievements. They are imaginative and creative in their play. For example, children explore a range of magnetic shapes, where they make models of animals and people.
Staff praise and encourage children in their accomplishments, and this supports their emotional well-being.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Managers and staff have an ambitious vision for what they want children to learn. Through effective observations and assessment, they plan a range of activities that support children's learning and development.
They build on what children know and can do and provide positive interactions and teaching to support next steps.Children enjoy musical activities to support their physical development. Younger children use instruments and learn what sounds they make.
Staff teach them to join in with the actions of familiar songs and rhymes. Older children engage in music and movement activities with enthusiasm. Staff model actions, and children follow these, joining in and singing.
Generally, children show positive attitudes towards their learning and behaviour. However, at times when children have small disagreements, staff do not consistently provide the support they need to understand and identify their feelings to help them resolve the issue. This means that, at times, children do not learn the skills they need to be able to regulate their emotions and continue their play with friends.
Staff teach children about what makes them unique. Children enjoy listening to stories read by staff. They engage well and concentrate for short periods.
Staff talk to children about the book and ask what they think it is about. Children recognise the book is about all the different people in the world. For example, staff share a book about different hair colours, skin colours and eye colours.
Children talk about what makes them the same and different from their friends.Staff support and build positive relationships with children. Key people know the children well and are caring and nurturing towards the children they care for.
Children form strong bonds with all staff and show confidence as they explore the activities and engage in play. For example, children show joy as they engage with staff and seek comfort and cuddles when they are tired. Staff are responsive to the needs of the children.
Parent partnerships are positive. Staff share information about what children are learning and how they can encourage children's development at home. Children thrive at nursery, and parents are assured that their children are safe and happy.
Daily discussions about the children's day helps parents know what they have particularly enjoyed. They speak highly of the staff and comment on the nurturing environment staff have created for the children and the wider family.Managers focus on supporting the professional development of the staff.
They model practice to help staff build their skills and knowledge in caring for and teaching children. They provide the training and coaching to help staff as they train towards qualifications. Staff feel valued and demonstrate their learning through their interactions with children and how they plan for children's development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to manage children's behaviour in a consistent way to help children to understand what is expected of them and to learn to manage their own behaviour.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.