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386 Jockey Road, SUTTON COLDFIELD, West Midlands, B73 5XJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff provide a safe and secure environment for children and, as a result, they are happy and settled at nursery.
Staff plan a range of activities indoors and outdoors and older children are keen to get stuck in and explore everything that is on offer to them. Children independently explore their environment and do so with confidence. All children behave well and staff deal with any minor incidents swiftly and effectively.
Staff deliver engaging circle-time activities and children show their enjoyment through their smiles and laughs. Older children express themselves and respond well to staff questions. For example, wh...en staff ask what is milk good for, children shout out 'teeth and bones'.
Staff are alert to children that have additional needs and take care to ensure their involvement, particularly during large-group activities.Staff build on what children already know and can do and, as a result, children make good progress in their learning. Children are keen to show staff what they can remember from their previous learning.
For instance, during a sign language group activity, they are able to recall different signs for letters and learn new signs, such as 'thank you' and 'good morning'. Staff follow an approach that fosters children's imagination and curiosity. They provide real objects for children that have meaning, such as tea pots in the home corner, as they are keen to provide a home-from-home environment.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers identify strengths of their provision. They are reflective and keen to address any issues if they arise. Management take into consideration the views of others to enhance the provision further for the benefit of parents, children and the local community.
Staff speak highly about how leaders and managers support their well-being. Management undertake regular supervisions and monitoring of staff. However, targeted professional development is not yet focused enough on improving teaching to ensure it is consistently strong across all rooms.
Leaders and managers are passionate about early education and have a good understanding of the early years foundation stage. They strive to ensure all children are given the best start in life. Managers undertake welcome screening for all new children.
They use information from parents and carers to identify any child who may require early help.Most staff have a good understanding of their key children and complete regular assessments and observations of them. They use this to identify any child who requires extra support, monitoring their progress and making referrals as necessary.
They work well alongside external agencies to ensure children are given the right support. Consequently, all children continue to make good progress.Parents speak highly of the provision and of the progress their children make.
All staff share key information with parents about children's development so they can support their children further at home.Staff place high emphasis on children's communication and language. They read stories with excitement and enthusiasm and ask appropriate questions.
Children listen intently and enjoy story time. Most staff model language well and surround the children with new vocabulary to build on their literacy skills. However, there are occasions where staff interactions in the baby room are inconsistent.
This results in some babies not being fully engaged with the activities that are available to them.The curriculum fosters all seven areas of learning and children learn well across each area. Staff find out what children already know and can do, and use this to plan exciting activities that strengthen and develop children's understanding.
Children are provided with a range of experiences, such as experimenting with liquids and making potions. They watch in wonder, observing changes taking place.Children are offered a wide range of foods to taste during mealtimes.
They are introduced to new foods, such as hummus, and staff use this as an opportunity to discuss with the children whether foods are healthy or not. Babies and younger children learn to feed themselves independently and staff help those who require more support.Staff deal with behaviour in a positive and calm manner and are good role models for children.
As a result, children are respectful and show positive attitudes towards each other and their learning.Staff have a good understanding of how they can support older children to live healthy lifestyles and are currently teaching children about hygiene. Children are provided with toothpaste, toothbrushes and models of 3D teeth.
Staff demonstrate how to brush their teeth correctly and explain the importance of this to children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff undertake robust risk assessments to ensure the environment is safe for children to access.
The premises are extremely clean, safe and secure for children. Staff have a good understanding of the signs of symptoms of abuse and the action they should take if they are concerned about a child. Staff are deployed well and children are supervised effectively.
Leaders and managers have a strong understanding of their safeguarding responsibility and take appropriate action to keep children safe from harm. They also take appropriate steps to ensure that those they recruit are safe to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: swiftly identify where staff would benefit from targeted professional support to raise the quality of teaching to the highest level support staff working with babies and younger children to enhance their knowledge of the curriculum and improve their interactions to consistently engage babies in purposeful play.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.