Apple Tree Day Nursery Ltd

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About Apple Tree Day Nursery Ltd

Name Apple Tree Day Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address North Cliff Road, Kirton Lindsey, GAINSBOROUGH, Lincolnshire, DN21 4NJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthLincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Nursery leaders are unwavering in their commitment to providing children with the best care and education possible.

They plan a rich and exciting curriculum that motivates all children. Staff highly value every child's individual personality. They actively encourage children to express their personal choices and preferences.

Staff very carefully plan the indoor and outdoor environments, considering the different needs and interests of children.The nursery is a hive of purposeful activity. Staff are adept at identifying just the right time to build on children's prior learning.

They ask questions and mak...e relevant comments that nurture children's curiosity and eagerness to learn. Children grow in confidence and develop very positive images of themselves as competent learners. Staff meticulously plan for children who are moving to a new room.

They work closely with parents to ensure that children experience a positive transition. Children demonstrate extremely high levels of well-being and happiness. Their behaviour is exemplary.

Staff are skilled at responding to any minor disagreements, for example, when children want the same toy. They teach children about successful ways to find solutions to problems. Children learn how to maintain good friendships and the importance of cooperating with others.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are highly competent teachers who inspire children. They know precisely what they want children to learn over time. Staff share information that ensures continuity and consistency in meeting children's learning needs.

Children master the key skills that give them the best possible start for school. For example, children are confident to communicate their needs and views to others.The support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is superb.

Staff work in partnership with parents and relevant professionals to put highly effective individual plans in place. Nursery leaders use additional funding to provide children with extra support from staff who are very knowledgeable. Children are able to successfully access the curriculum and make progress in their learning and development.

Nursery leaders fully utilise the different skills of their staff team. They provide regular opportunities for staff to continue their professional development. Staff report that they feel valued and very well supported in their roles.

They fully appreciate the ways that leaders support their well-being, formally and through the nursery's 'open-door' policy.Children have many excellent opportunities to express themselves imaginatively. The younger children enjoy feeding and dressing the 'babies' in the home corner.

Staff observe older children's fascination with tending the plants in the garden. They create a pretend garden centre to build on children's interests. Children become fully immersed in acting out different roles, such as a customer or shop assistant.

Staff bring books to life. Children are totally absorbed as they listen to their favourite stories. The youngest children are eager to lift the flaps in a book to reveal different animals.

They confidently repeat the names of the animals, such as 'giraffe' and 'elephant', with much enthusiasm. Older children anticipate key phrases in familiar stories and wriggle with excitement as they join in.The partnership with parents is exceptional.

Parents report how excited their children are to attend. They highly value the effective two-way flow of information that goes between home and nursery. Parents praise the fantastic and professional staff team.

They describe the nursery as an important part of the local community.Staff place a high priority on promoting children's independence, as part of everyday routines. The younger children master the skills of using cutlery to eat their meals.

Children carefully serve their own vegetables at lunchtime. They show much consideration, politely reminding each other to leave enough for everyone.Nursery leaders promote high-quality care that is consistent across the nursery.

They are vigilant in ensuring children's safety and welfare. Staff promote a 'can-do' attitude with children. They show children how to attempt new challenges, such balancing and jumping off equipment.

Children develop proficiency and confidence in their physical abilities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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