Appledore Private Day Nursery Ltd

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About Appledore Private Day Nursery Ltd

Name Appledore Private Day Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address 11 Rock Street, Egerton House, Oldham, Lancshire, OL1 3US
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are deeply nurtured and cared for by dedicated and exceptional staff in this inclusive setting. Staff know children extremely well.

They adapt their interactions and routines to ensure those children who need extra support or who are new receive one-to-one attention from staff to swiftly help them form strong attachments. Children show that they feel very loved and secure as they snuggle up to staff who read them their chosen stories. Staff have increased children's access to the outdoor environment and physical activity over recent years.

This has had a very positive impact on children's ability to reg...ulate their emotions, settle and concentrate for longer periods of time. Children thrive with rich experiences that help them to learn about the world around them. For instance, children enjoy looking at the birds in the mini forest.

Practitioners skilfully support children to identify new birds, and children excitedly tell the practitioners, 'I see a robin flying to town.' Children's enthusiasm for learning is infectious. All children make excellent progress from their starting points.

Staff are exceptional role models. They are remarkable at supporting children to understand and manage their emotions and to learn how to show respect for others using impeccable manners. Behaviour is exemplary.

This results in a harmonious, inclusive environment where all children are confident, independent learners ready to explore the world.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership team is dedicated to driving excellence in the nursery. Since the last inspection, it has implemented an exceptional curriculum that purposefully enhances children's physical development.

Staff create outstanding opportunities for children to develop physical skills indoors and outdoors, regardless of the weather. For example, qualified forest school leaders teach older children to assess risks, such as navigating icy slopes in the forest. Parachute games build upper body strength, while indoor structures challenge younger children and babies to explore, balance and climb.

Consequently, children exhibit remarkable core strength, coordination, agility and self-confidence.Support for children's communication and language is exemplary. Staff engage in high-quality interactions, such as lying down next to the children to connect with them at their level.

They narrate activities and introduce new vocabulary, such as 'chamomile tea' during outdoor snack times or reciting phrases like 'swishy, swashy' during stories. These techniques support children to become articulate and confident communicators.Children's independence flourishes through thoughtfully designed routines.

Staff know each child exceptionally well, encouraging them to take responsibility. For instance, children practise putting on wetsuits and boots for forest activities. During meals, older children set tables, while younger children are encouraged to progress from using spoons to mastering knives and forks.

These achievements instil pride and equip children with essential life skills.Staff show great respect towards children and value their opinions and thoughts. Strong modelling from staff with constant encouragement helps children take a lead in their learning.

For example, younger children select songs for group activities, while pre-schoolers contribute to the forest school committee. Their input has led to projects like bug hotels and allotment areas. Children's sense of community is outstanding.

The nursery celebrates diversity, promoting an appreciation of each child's uniqueness within the wider community. Staff inspire parents to ignite children's love of books through the multicultural lending library. Children learn about their friend's home language as parents come to the nursery to read stories to children or share cultural festivals and traditions.

Children are developing a strong awareness of the wider community.Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is outstanding. Staff ensure that activities are inclusive for everyone.

Staff use meticulous assessments to identify needs early and access external expertise swiftly. Specialised training equips staff to support children in managing emotions and sensory needs. Calming spaces and sensory tools enable children to self-regulate their own feelings and behaviours well.

Staff share strategies and resources with parents so that the children can make the best possible progress.Partnerships with parents are excellent. Leaders collaborate closely with families to help children reach their full potential.

Workshops and guidance on topics like weaning, boundaries and bedtime routines enhance parental support. Parents commend the care and progress their children achieve, particularly in communication and physical skills. They describe staff as inspirational and going above and beyond to support their children's success.

Leaders have established a robust system for training and coaching staff, ensuring continuous improvement. They identify areas for growth and value feedback from children, parents and professionals. Staff morale and commitment to their roles are high, as staff know their value as part of the team.

This means that children benefit from consistently strong teaching by motivated and skilled staff and make excellent progress.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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