Appletree Day Nursery

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About Appletree Day Nursery

Name Appletree Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address West Park, Horton Lane, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8PB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff are skilled at supporting children who are reluctant to leave their parents. All children settle quickly and develop a sense of belonging. Staff have close bonds with the children and know them well.

They cater for children's individual needs and plan effectively for their next steps in learning.Children are happy, and they behave well. They share toys and take turns in small group games.

Staff encourage children to be kind and work together to complete simple tasks. For example, children help each other to put their aprons on for a painting activity. This helps children form positive relationships with their

Children learn about cultures beyond their own experiences. For example, visitors teach children to use African drums and provide traditional clothes for children to dress up in. Children take part in activities to mark a range of multicultural festivals throughout the year.

This helps children to respect other cultures while embracing their own. The needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are understood and met well by staff. Children with SEND benefit from additional, targeted support that is aimed at reflecting their individual needs, and they are making good progress.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager provides staff effectively with regular supervisions and identifies training for their professional development. She leads team meetings and puts plans in place to develop the curriculum across the nursery.Staff skilfully introduce new words and use mathematical language during play.

For instance, while playing with toy sea creatures, staff add new, exciting words such as 'scallop' and 'starfish'. They encourage children to count and compare size. This helps to extend children's range of vocabulary and helps them to learn mathematical concepts.

There are good arrangements to promote children's understanding of nature and the world around them. Staff plan activities that children enjoy, such as planting tomatoes in the nursery vegetable patch. They encourage children to remember that plants need water to grow, helping them to understand how to build on their existing knowledge.

The provision for babies is effective and coordinated well. Babies are happy and have good attachments with their key persons. They enjoy snuggling up with staff to look at books.

Staff introduce key words as babies enthusiastically point to pictures and help turn the page. Staff provide space for babies to move around and explore the room independently. They encourage babies to pull themselves up and climb on steps to help develop their strength and physical skills.

Staff have good routines in place and respond swiftly to babies' needs. They follow babies sleep patterns and closely monitor them when sleeping.Staff plan well to support the curious toddlers who relish exploring sensory resources.

For example, toddlers spend time at the water tray, fully engrossed in pouring water from teapots into cups. Staff play alongside and sing familiar nursery rhymes, successfully supporting children to remain engaged in their play. Staff repeat key words to encourage language skills and praise children for their achievements.

As a result, children develop their concentration skills and their vocabulary.Staff in the pre-school room prepare children well for their move to school. They ensure that children are emotionally ready and have the practical skills that they will need.

For example, they encourage children to take care of their personal possessions and follow routines. Staff liaise with feeder schools, and teachers visit the setting to meet the children. This helps children move comfortably to the next stage of their education.

Staff teach children about being healthy and looking after their bodies. For example, children learn about making healthy choices and choosing food that will help them grow. Staff use resources effectively to help children learn to look after their teeth.

These experiences help children to adopt a healthy lifestyle.The onsite chef cooks nutritious food for children. There are robust systems in place to ensure that all children's dietary requirements are met.

For example, there are visual aids with a photo of the child and full details of their needs. All children are closely monitored when eating. This ensures that children are kept safe at mealtimes.

There are some inconsistencies in the quality of opportunities for children to learn practical skills. Some staff do not recognise when children would benefit from more encouragement to try to master tasks themselves. At these times, children's independence is not fully supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen opportunities for all children to develop their independence skills further.

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