Arbury Day Nursery - Tommies Childcare

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About Arbury Day Nursery - Tommies Childcare

Name Arbury Day Nursery - Tommies Childcare
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Bungalow, Quary Yard, Church Road, Nuneaton, CV10 8LJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

A well-planned and sensitive induction supports children to become settled and feel secure in this warm and welcoming setting. Caring and nurturing staff work hard to support children's attachment.

Children arrive happily and are keen to get involved in a range of play opportunities. An effective key-person system supports children to develop a strong sense of connection and belonging. Babies are keen to get physically close to staff.

They delight in snuggling close to share books and stories in their cosy space. Staff teach children from a young age to get involved in chopping their fruit for snack. They encourage chi...ldren to make choices about the foods they eat.

Children demonstrate their independence when they get themselves ready to go outdoors and serve their own food at lunchtime. Staff praise their success, building children's confidence and self-esteem. Children benefit from spending much time in the exciting outdoor learning environment.

There is a wide variety of resources and equipment that children have access to. They make a choice about whether they play indoors or outdoors. The seasons provide a focus for children's play.

For example, children delight in splashing in puddles and catching rain drops.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers have developed a clear curriculum. Staff use their observations of children to ensure that planning focuses on their interests and motivations.

Staff effectively involve parents in this process. This helps to build up a whole picture of the child, both at home and in the setting. Well-sequenced learning opportunities support children to make good progress.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make strong progress. The special needs coordinator shares information effectively with parents to ensure children have access to the support they need. The setting develops clear next steps to ensure that children reach their potential.

Managers support staff to reflect on and evaluate their interactions with children. Staff receive effective supervision and they have the opportunity to attend relevant training sessions and workshops. Professional development is highly valued across the setting.

This helps to drive improvement.Children behave well and learn to take turns. Staff members are positive role models.

They narrate children's actions to support them to play cooperatively. For example, older children delight in playing a board game in a small group. Staff support them to understand and follow the rules.

This contributes to a joyful experience.Children's emotional well-being is prioritised. Staff are gentle and calm when changing children's nappies.

They ensure children using the bathroom receive an appropriate level of support for their age and stage of development. When children wake from sleeping, they are comforted sensitively. Staff ensure that children have time to wake properly before joining the group for play.

Children have their own ideas and lead their own play. They work together to join puzzle pieces and make a long structure, which they move at speed across the floor. Children focus intently on their actions.

However, on occasions, staff interrupt children's play by asking a series of questions. This disrupts children's thought processes and interrupts their learning.Staff use song and rhyme to support children's language development.

They enthusiastically join in with actions, which encourages babies and children to do the same. Staff model simple sign language to encourage children to communicate their needs. However, staff do not consistently introduce new words as children play, in order to further extend their vocabulary.

Staff communicate with parents through an online app. Parents are appreciative of the photos they receive of their children engaged in play. The comprehensive information shared contributes to parents feeling involved in their child's learning.

The setting has recently changed the procedure for drop off and collection. This is to ensure that parents have daily contact with their child's key person. Parents value the verbal feedback that they receive daily.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to understand the positive impact of children's high levels of engagement on their learning, through the provision of uninterrupted periods of play nintroduce new and relevant vocabulary alongside play opportunities more consistently, to extend children's learning even further.

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