Around Childcare

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About Around Childcare

Name Around Childcare
Address St Matthews C of E (Aided) Primary School, Wood Lane, Leeds, LS7 3QF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive independently from older year groups, while younger children are brought to the out-of-school club by their teachers. This ensures that children arrive safely. Children take part in planned activities as soon as they arrive.

Children demonstrate wonderful behaviour. Staff quickly remind children who forget what is expected of them. Children take part in an excellent array of fun activities, which staff plan to build on their knowledge and social interactions.

For example, children take turns on the trim trail, some children play football, while other children that prefer less energetic activities happily and make jewellery by threading beads. Children express their delight at attending the out-of-school club. They eagerly tell the inspector what they enjoy doing, such as jigsaws and art and craft, but mainly playing outdoors with their friends.

Staff know children well and ensure that activities are readily available to children that they know they will enjoy. Staff demonstrate a wonderful caring nature towards children, which helps them feel safe and secure in their care. Children are observant of the outdoor boundaries that are in place to keep them safe.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff have an excellent system in place to ensure that the numbers of children are constantly updated as children arrive and depart the out-of-school club. There is good communication between staff, which means that activities and snack times run effortlessly.Staff provide children with healthy breakfasts and snacks.

Children always have access to fresh drinking water. They enjoy choosing the menu one day a week. This helps children to be ready to start their day or be re-energised after a day at school.

Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. They work in partnership with the teachers from the host school and parents. Staff share support plans to ensure that children receive the best possible care while attending the out-of-school club.

Staff working with children know them very well and understand their needs. Children with SEND thrive in their care.Staff carry out daily risk assessments to ensure the premises and resources are all safe and in good working order for children to access.

When changes need to be made due to school events, the manager works closely with the school to ensure that children can still attend the out-of-school club. Staff make temporary changes to the normal routine, including access to toilets and outdoor play. This runs smoothly as staff and children understand what they need to do to keep safe.

For example, children do not pass the cones in the playground unless they are given permission by staff.The manager completes regular supervision meetings with staff. This provides staff with a safe environment to share any information, receive advice and guidance, and plan future training opportunities.

The manager has safe recruitment procedures in place to ensure that only suitable people can work with children. The manager implements a thorough induction programme for new staff members. This ensures that staff understand their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe in their care.

Parents speak highly of the out-of-school club and the caring staff. Parents of younger children have a daily update book, which informs them of what their child has done and eaten while attending the out-of-school club. The manager or staff speak to parents when they collect their children, to ensure that any necessary information is shared with them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities to safeguard the children in their care. The designated safeguarding lead ensures that staff receive regular safeguarding training and also checks that staff have understood what they have learned.

All staff are able to describe the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child could be at risk of harm. They know who to contact in the event that an allegation is made against a member of staff or if they have a child protection concern. All safeguarding records are completed thoroughly, such as accident and incident forms, and are shared with parents.

Also at this postcode
Jakeeto Out of School Club St Matthew’s Church of England Primary School

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