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About Ashbridge School and Nursery
Ashbridge School and Nursery
Lindle Lane, Hutton, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 4AQ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
Evaluation of the school
Ashbridge Independent School provides a good quality of education for all its pupils. Some aspects of its work are outstanding.
The good progress and achievement that is evident across the school, including the Early Years Foundation Stage, owes much to the good and at times outstanding teaching and a vibrant and exciting curriculum. Pupils contribute significantly to helping make Ashbridge the success story it is. Their excellent behaviour, outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and infectious enthusiasm all help to create a learning environment where individuals flourish.
The school is led in a highly effective manner by a committed, creative and innovative... senior leadership team who constantly drive the school forward in pursuit of excellence and who ensure the welfare of pupils is afforded the highest priority. The points for development listed in the last report have been addressed and the school fully complies with the regulations for independent schools. Parents rightly express a very high level of satisfaction with the school.
1 Schools which provide childcare for children from birth until the term in which they reach their third birthday must register this provision separately with Ofsted.
Information about the school
Ashbridge School continues to grow in size although classes remain small. The number on roll in the extensive Nursery department has seen particular expansion.
The school caters for children and pupils between the age of 0 and 11 years. There are currently 129 children in the 0-3 registered childcare provision. 199 part-time children are on roll and 110 full-time pupils.
The school was opened in 1995 and is housed in excellent accommodation set in extensive and highly attractive grounds in Hutton, close to Preston in Lancashire. The school aims to provide high quality care and education supported by continuity of learning for all children in a first class environment. The school was last inspected in September 2006.
Evaluation of the school Ashbridge Independent School provides a good quality of education for all its pupils. Some aspects of its work are outstanding. The good progress and achievement that is evident across the school, including the Early Years Foundation Stage, owes much to the good and at times outstanding teaching and a vibrant and exciting curriculum.
Pupils contribute significantly to helping make Ashbridge the success story it is. Their excellent behaviour, outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and infectious enthusiasm all help to create a learning environment where individuals flourish. The school is led in a highly effective manner by a committed, creative and innovative senior leadership team who constantly drive the school forward in pursuit of excellence and who ensure the welfare of pupils is afforded the highest priority.
The points for development listed in the last report have been addressed and the school fully complies with the regulations for independent schools. Parents rightly express a very high level of satisfaction with the school. 1 Schools which provide childcare for children from birth until the term in which they reach their third birthday must register this provision separately with Ofsted.