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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thoroughly enjoy their time at nursery. They make friends and form close bonds with staff. Children show confidence in their play.
They demonstrate clearly that they are happy and emotionally secure. Children benefit well from staff interactions that embed the ethos of the nursery. For example, children learn to respect the feelings and thoughts of others.
They learn at their own pace and are encouraged to achieve their full potential. For example, staff help children to develop a love of and interest in books and stories. Throughout the day, time is spent reading storybooks in large or small groups and on an ...individual basis.
Children are confident to choose their favourite stories. They are developing awareness of the context of storylines and can recall repetitive lines and verse. Children show a willingness to explain their interpretations of what is happening and an interest in the illustrations.
Children behave exceptionally well at all times. They understand staff expectations and the routines of the day. For instance, children take responsibility for their personal belongings, such as their coats and boots.
They understand to put their work into their tray ready to take home. They show willingness to help at 'tidy-up' time. Children are incredibly keen to join in with their activities and show interest in all that they do.
All children show readiness for the next stages of their learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager is highly supportive of her staff. Morale is high.
Staff are encouraged to update their skills on a regular basis and state they are confident to embed new learning, such as strategies to support literacy and fine motor skills. The key-person system is embedded effectively. Staff are confident to work in partnership with other professionals to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of the curriculum and how to implement this. They have worked in partnership with feeder schools to help children achieve the best possible outcomes for school readiness. Staff follow children's play interests.
They help children to develop confidence in their own abilities while trying to learn new things. For example, children enjoy construction play. They use a range of role-play resources, alongside reference books and pictures of different constructions both locally and around the world, to help deepen their knowledge.
Children use a broad range of language and are confident to ask questions or offer their ideas during group activities. Staff help children to understand the significance of new words, such as 'inventor' as they read to the children. Staff are enthusiastic in helping children to join in with singing activities.
However, staff are not consistent in the ways they help children to express themselves and, as a result, some children do not take part. At times, the activities are lengthy and some children appear distracted or overwhelmed.An ambitious curriculum helps children to develop many skills across all seven areas of learning.
This includes helping children use effective pencil and scissor control. Children are keen to give meaning to the marks they make when creating on an interactive whiteboard. Children work collaboratively together.
For instance, they take a lead in negotiating sharing and use timers to help each other understand who is next in turn. Children are keen to take part in craft activities. They make independent decisions about the resources to use.
Children show awareness of real-life situations when they play sociably together in the role-play areas.Children show a positive attitude to their learning. They concentrate and follow instructions.
For example, children listen well as staff help them to solve the best ways to build the marble run. Staff offer clues for children to problem solve and make the run faster or slower. Children show resilience as they work out the best method to make a 'loop' for their marble run.
Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles well. They offer regular opportunities for children to learn and play outdoors. Children show a good awareness of their health and hygiene.
Most are independent in their self-care routines. Children show responsibility at snack times. For instance, they pour their own drinks, help to slice fruit and help to clear away afterwards.
Children show emotional security, both in the ways that they form friendships and in the ways they build emotional attachments with the adults who care for them.Parent partnerships are embedded well. Parents appreciate the variety of communication provided, such as newsletters and daily verbal feedback.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Policies, procedures and risk assessments are reviewed on a regular basis and are adhered to effectively in order to promote children's health, safety and well-being. Staff demonstrate a good understanding of all aspects of safeguarding and know how to protect children.
For example, they know the procedure to follow to report a concern about a child's welfare. Robust procedures are in place for the recruitment and vetting of staff.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance the ways children enjoy, remember and sing songs to promote their creativity and expression further.