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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thrive and enjoy their time at this friendly pre-school. Staff offer parents and children a warm welcome as they arrive. Children separate easily from their parents and show they feel safe and secure.
They go off to explore the range of stimulating activities that have been specifically chosen to help them follow their interests. Children learn about the wider community. For example, they meet lifeguards and police officers and find out how they help people.
Children learn about different cultures, focusing on festivals that occur in the local community. This prepares them for life in modern Britain. Staff use... observations to identify relevant next steps in children's learning and know what they want children to learn.
Children show excellent attitudes to learning. They benefit from targeted activities and experiences that meet their needs, including those in receipt of additional funding.Children develop their communication and language ability.
They have opportunities to practise their speaking skills. They sing familiar songs, such as songs about the days of the week. Staff skilfully support children.
For example, they repeat words slowly to show correct pronunciation for younger children. They ask older children questions that require longer responses. Staff support children who speak English as an additional language well.
They introduce words in children's home languages and say these words in English to build children's understanding.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are passionate about providing high-quality care and learning for children. They implement robust systems to support and supervise staff.
Any gaps in training needs are quickly identified and acted on. Staff pool their knowledge, sharing the things they have learned from training. Consequently, all staff offer similar approaches to children and the standard of teaching is consistently good.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported with timely interventions. Gaps in children's learning and development are identified as soon as they start at the pre-school. Staff seek help from knowledgeable professionals.
For example, they work with speech and language specialists to create effective targets and relevant resources for children. This ensures that all children develop and achieve to their highest potential.Children behave extremely well.
Staff have high expectations of all children and teach them the rules of the pre-school. Staff offer gentle reminders to children on the limited occasions it is needed. Children respond quickly to these prompts.
However, the organisation at the end of mealtimes means some children lose focus and get over excited. This affects their ability to follow the routines of the setting. Also, for younger children, some whole-group activities are too long.
Staff do not always flexibly support them to ensure that they are fully engaged in these purposeful activities.The key-worker system is effective. Staff can confidently explain where children are in their development and what they need to do next to support their learning.
They use daily group times with their key children to build their social skills and revisit learning. Children benefit from these small groups where they build strong bonds with the staff and children.Staff give children the opportunity to carry out small tasks and build their independence.
For example, older children help to set out name cards, cutlery and bowls for their friends at snack time. Children develop their confidence and social skills as they ask their friends what they would like to eat and drink.Children develop their health and physical skills.
They improve their balance, strength and coordination on daily runs outdoors. Younger children build on these skills while using spades to fill wheelbarrows with stones. Older children negotiate space and develop their coordination while racing each other on bicycles.
Leaders and staff communicate very effectively with parents and teachers from the schools children will move on to. They share ideas with parents, so they can support their child's progress. For example, staff share sign language for key words to help children's speech and language development at home.
They meet with Reception class teachers and share in-depth information about children's learning and development needs. This helps teachers to support children more effectively and settle them quickly.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff have a secure knowledge of how to identify and report potential concerns about children's welfare. They also understand their responsibility to pass on any concerns they have about adults working with children. Leaders follow robust recruitment and vetting procedures.
They ensure that new staff are suitable to work with children and check the ongoing suitability of all staff annually. Staff ensure that the pre-school is safe for children. For example, they lock the gates during the day, so no one can enter the premises.
Staff teach children how to keep themselves safe. For instance, children learn about the potential dangers of UV rays and how to protect themselves from these.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance the organisation of mealtimes, so the engagement and behaviour of all children is consistently supported to a high standard norganise whole-group activities more effectively for younger children to ensure that each child can focus on the intended learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.