Aspire Coaching Limited

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About Aspire Coaching Limited

Name Aspire Coaching Limited
Address Four Marks C Of E Primary School, Kitwood Road, Four Marks, Alton, GU34 5AS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children attend this club after the school day has finished and are welcomed by staff who are friendly and familiar.

Children are pleased to see their friends and are able to choose from a wide range of activities and experiences. For example, some children choose to play with a soft ball, while others enjoy spending time building and constructing with straws and small building bricks. This allows children to spend time with their friends in an environment that is relaxed after a busy day at school.

Children understand the behaviour expectations of the club and respond well to staff. For example, if staff need to gently re...mind them to keep a ball away from the quieter activities on the table, children acknowledge this and continue to play at the other end of the large hall.Staff praise children appropriately and children respond well to this.

For example, if a child takes turns during a card game or shares a tabletop game with a friend, staff notice and acknowledge this with the child. This supports children's social development and gives them a sense of pride.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are given opportunities to make choices.

For example, they decide on the activities that are available, the snack they eat and the resources they access. This supports their independence and decision-making. Children enjoy laying on the large beanbags to look at books or watch other children play.

This area provides an opportunity for children to take some time out if needed and reflect on their day.Children enjoy spending time with staff. They invite them to join in with games and read books together.

Staff have conversations with children that are relaxed and provide an opportunity for children to talk about what interests them. This encourages children to develop a sense of self-worth.Staff encourage children's independence by inviting them to share ideas of activities they would like to carry out.

For example, the children who enjoy spending time at the craft table, choose to colour in stained glass windows to take home. This supports children to make their own decisions by allowing them to decide what is offered for the whole group.Staff promote good hygiene practices.

For example, children follow staffs' lead and wash their hands before sitting at the table for snack. This supports children's independence and provides them with the skills needed to keep themselves safe.Staff have developed positive and meaningful relationships with the children who attend.

They know the children well and speak respectfully, listening carefully when they talk. This means that children feel important and a valued member of the group.Parents share that they are happy with the care their children receive.

They value the time staff take to help settle children in and are happy with the communication that staff provide when they share information about their school day.Staff keep their knowledge up to date by attending regular training. For example, staff attend safeguarding training to ensure they know how to respond appropriately to any concerns they may have.

This means that staff keep their skills up to date on a range of topics and are able to effectively meet the needs of the children who attend.Leaders are aware of the importance of providing high-quality care. They work closely with the school and also the staff team, to ensure they have the resources they need to work effectively.

This supports a positive working culture where staff feel valued and enjoy their job.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Four Marks Church of England Primary School Heydays Pre-School

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