Atlas Camps Amberley

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About Atlas Camps Amberley

Name Atlas Camps Amberley
Address Amberley Parochial School, Amberley, Stroud, GL5 5JG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and enthusiastic on arrival. They settle quickly, interacting well with staff and friends. Children choose from a wide variety of activities that build on their interests.

Routines are well established, and children show confidence in these. Children show high levels of care and respect for each other. They enjoy each other's company and chat happily as they play.

Children share exceptionally well with each other. The environment is calm, harmonious, and friendly. Children enjoy choosing their own activities.

Children show particular interest in outdoor play. They thoroughly enjoy this physical ...activity after a busy school day.Children display high levels of independence and self-esteem.

Children of different ages readily play with each other and show high levels of engagement. For example, when playing with hoops, older children eagerly support the younger ones to develop skill to spin hoops and share in their delight when they are successful. The relationships between staff and children are warm and positive.

Staff are welcoming and greet children enthusiastically. Staff know the children exceptionally well and this shows in the conversations they have with them. Children are confident, sharing their thoughts and feelings and staff respond with care.

Staff are quick to praise children when they are being kind and helpful, and children all show great teamwork. Staff model this and children enjoy following their example.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are excellent role models for the children.

They help children to play cooperatively, solve problems and recognise their own achievements. For example, children find it challenging keeping the rope swing moving. Staff help them develop their skill with this and children beam with happiness as staff praise them.

Staff receive comprehensive training before they start working with the children that supports them to be able to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. They have a wealth of skills that they use to ensure children are happy, well cared for and engage fully with the activities on offer.Staff have access to regular, robust professional development opportunities that enhance the experience of the children they care for.

For example, they learn new team games regularly that they then teach to the children. Children are eager to play these and develop their communication and teamwork skills as they play.Staff are reflective and focus on children's engagement at the camp.

They skilfully adapt the experiences they provide to build on children's interests and develop communication and language skills. For example, children enjoy using gym equipment to show their jumping skills. Staff develop the activity.

They encourage children to jump like different animals as staff ask questions to help them solve the mystery.Behaviour is exceptional. Staff frequently remind children of expectations of cooperation and teamwork, and children are respectful, positive, and caring towards each other.

Children enjoy a wide range of foods, and snack time routines and expectations have been established so that the eating experience is sociable, and enjoyable for the children. Children excitedly chat with each other while engaging in a quality mealtime.The manager and staff work well as a team.

They have systems in place to manage the safety and well-being of children when they attend the club. Staff work hard to keep children safe. They have effective processes in place for preparing for club each day.

They ensure they risk assess the space before children arrive. They deploy themselves effectively and are always available to support children and keep them safe.Staff well-being is high.

Staff feel very well supported. They receive regular visits from camp managers, and flourish in confidence and skill from the face-to-face support this provides.Parents speak positively about the club.

They say their children enjoy the activities the staff provide. Parents feel staff know their children exceptionally well and provide excellent care. Children speak with such passion about the club.

They enjoy all activities and thoroughly enjoy talking and playing with friends and staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Amberley Parochial School Amberley Playgroup

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