Atlas Camps Birdlip

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About Atlas Camps Birdlip

Name Atlas Camps Birdlip
Address Birdlip Primary School, Birdlip, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL4 8JH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this busy, friendly club where wonderful relationships exist between children and staff.

Children say they feel safe, love everything and especially enjoy being able to choose what they want to do. For instance, children chose to delay snack to play a lively outdoor game. Children are very supportive and appreciative of each other's efforts.

For example, older children kindly slow down as they run away from 'Mr Crocodile' so they can be caught by younger children who shriek with glee. Younger children happily share ideas with older children and are confident to join in whole group ga...mes. Children develop an impressive understanding of how to keep safe.

They follow instructions and remind others of club rules such as not running on the tarmac without shoes as the floor can get very hot in the sun. Children's behaviour is impeccable. Leaders and staff are exceptional role models who truly value and acknowledge each child.

All children display high levels of self-esteem and confidence.The club has remained open for the majority of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Leaders are determined to give children the same high-quality care and use a meticulous programme for professional development.

This continually helps evaluate staff practice so new initiatives and training can be quickly given to help staff continue to meet all children's needs. Staff are adept at adapting games and activities for social distancing.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Partnership working between staff, parents and the host school is highly effective.

There is a strong commitment to working cohesively to provide the very best care, experiences and opportunities for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Children are extremely well mannered and respectful. For example, when having snack, they say 'please' and 'thank you' without prompt.

They listen well to what is asked of them and follow instructions with ease.Energetic play is integral to children's time at the club, and they have excellent opportunities to be active. For instance, children play table tennis indoors and play sports and running games in the extensive outdoor areas.

Staff follow children's lead and play alongside them enthusiastically. However, occasionally, staff miss opportunities for children to enjoy cosy smaller spaces to relax in and further support children's communication and friendships.Parents comment on how welcoming the club is to everyone.

They state the staff are always 'so polite and approachable' and 'are excellent and friendly with a can-do attitude'. Children comment that 'the club is always fun with lots to do'. Staff are very attentive towards the children and look out for any who look lost or uncertain.

They encourage children to converse with each other, problem solve and manage their own play under their excellent guidance.Staff support children's physical well-being and understanding of healthy lifestyles very well through daily routines, sociable mealtimes and by following positive hygiene practices. For example, during the healthy snack staff provide when they arrive from school, older children remind younger friends, 'fruit first, not too many bagels' and 'drink a little more, it's hot'.

Children show high levels of independence, for instance they know to apply sun cream when they arrive at the club, are very aware of safety boundaries and know they must ask if they need to leave the room to go to the toilet.Staff ensure the environment is safe and secure. They carry out daily safety checks to ensure the club's rooms and equipment that children use are safe and fit for purpose.

The staff continually assess the risks to children during their activities. They recognise the needs and behaviours of each child in their care and use their understanding effectively to anticipate and prevent accidents.Professional supervision by the inspirational manager means that staff meet all children's needs exceptionally well.

For example, during the COVID 19 pandemic, she started to focus, evaluate and reflect on children and staff's health and well-being. Staff say they feel part of a strong team and that their ideas and opinions are valued. There is a great level of competence among the staff team.

The members of the leadership team are very experienced and highly effective. They are open to suggestions on ways to improve the club and work hard to keep staff and parents updated. For example, a comprehensive website and new electronic updates give parents any urgent messages, the opportunity to learn what the children have been doing and what is planned for the future.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager uses robust safer recruitment procedures and reviews these processes to check staff's ongoing suitability. She ensures all staff have regular safeguarding training and that their knowledge and understanding are always up to date.

Staff demonstrate excellent knowledge with regards to their roles and responsibilities in keeping children safe. For example, they know the signs and symptoms of abuse and have a clear understanding about how to report a possible concern for a child's welfare. The manager makes sure all staff are kept well informed and updated regarding children with allergies and dietary requirements.

Also at this postcode
Birdlip Primary School Brimpsfield and Birdlip Playgroup

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