Atlas Camps Stroud - Wycliffe

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About Atlas Camps Stroud - Wycliffe

Name Atlas Camps Stroud - Wycliffe
Address Wycliffe Preparatory School, Ryeford Hall, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 2LD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enter this warm and welcoming camp that is safe and secure. Staff are sensitive and kind and help children settle, including when they have not been to camp for a while. The camp is fun and there is a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities with various sports on offer.

There is plenty of time for free play. Children have opportunities to learn new skills and to engage in a range of group experiences.Children like the choices they are able to make.

Staff regularly consult with them and children discuss with their partner what they want to do. Football, dodgeball and rubber band designs are favourites. Children... know they are listened to.

They confidently share their views and ideas and lead the 'Simon Says' game. This helps to develop children's self-esteem and speaking in front of large groups.Activities are planned with all children's abilities in mind.

Children participate in lots of physical activities. They balance, skip, run, kick and throw. Children paint and draw to make an 'Atlas camp' banner.

This collective activity gives them the opportunity to interact with children of different ages, backgrounds and interests.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are friendly, helpful and respectful. They regularly praise children's good behaviour.

Staff interact skilfully with children and are fun and supportive. Children behave well. Staff notice when children need help and guidance and swiftly change and adapt activities to children's energy levels.

Children know how to be safe and what happens next, as the routine is well planned and shared with them. They are reminded about the rules and values of the camp. Staff explain clearly why rules are in place.

Children do a 'thumbs up' to show they are listening and understand. Children share what it means to be honest and to persevere. They know to 'freeze' and listen to instructions when they practise a fire drill.

The senior management team supports staff well. There is good safe recruitment practice. Staff have regular access to online and face-to-face training.

Staff meet and update and build on their skills. Induction is thorough and helps new staff to settle quickly and understand their role and responsibilities. The manager uses his leadership skills to develop and build an effective team.

He regularly shares information and uses staff's strengths when organising sports, group games and creative activities.Staff encourage children to be healthy. Children wash their hands regularly.

Staff regularly remind them to drink and help them to choose a snack mid morning. All children take responsibility for their own things and for keeping the camp tidy. They know what to do if their snack falls on the floor and where to dispose of wrappers.

Parents praise the camp. They say they know their children are safe, well cared for and have lots of fun activities to keep them busy. Staff ensure that there is a good handover and check who is collecting children later.

They build positive relationships with parents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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