Awesome Childcare Extended School Club Alexandra Primary

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About Awesome Childcare Extended School Club Alexandra Primary

Name Awesome Childcare Extended School Club Alexandra Primary
Address Alexandra Junior & Infant School, Western Road, LONDON, N22 6UH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children look forward to attending this after-school and holiday club.

Managers and staff get to know the children well and go to considerable lengths to ensure that children's individual needs are met. Staff use the group room to create an environment for children to settle in for the day. Staff are attentive and engaged with children as they play and take part in activities.

Children enjoy a healthy breakfast and can rest and relax at intervals during the session in this space. Staff provide a varied and well-organised range of activities. They carefully plan the space and continually reflect on the provision.

T...hey share ideas with each other about how they can adapt the space and activities so that all children can engage and make choices. They use the playground and hall for children to be more physical and children enjoy calming activities, including yoga. Children are so excited as they prepare for an outing to the cinema to see a favourite film.

They talk to visitors, staff and each other with confidence and enthusiasm about the trip. Staff are excellent role models. They praise children's positive behaviour and are quick to identify when children may need reassurance and emotional support.

Children behave and play exceptionally well together. Older children take great pleasure in helping younger children and being responsible for carrying out small tasks. Children know how to keep themselves safe and listen well to staff, they follow guidance and instructions closely.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff value children's views, ideas and opinions. During preparation for outings, children listen very well. They are fully involved in establishing everyone's understanding of the safety rules.

Children are confident and extremely well behaved. They put their hands up and are keen to express why they must follow these rules for safety.Staff are supported well by each other, the manager, and the provider.

They have regular supervision meetings to discuss their training needs and their health and well-being. Regular team meetings are held to help staff and the manager review and consider fully their roles and responsibilities.Children mix well with different age groups.

They choose whether they want to play inside or outside or join in with the yoga session in the hall. They enjoy the varied and stimulating environment staff create. Staff recognise the importance of supporting children to be independent and confident.

They do this through providing open discussions and supporting children to gain new experiences. Children display high levels of engagement and interest, listening and expressing themselves clearly.The provider works in partnership with the school to ensure they communicate effectively.

In addition, staff promote continuity of care for children who attend from different schools. Staff ensure that they pass on key messages and that parents remain continually up to date about children's ongoing care.Effective risk assessments are completed on the areas used by the children.

Staff supervise children closely, communicating with each other on route between rooms and the playground. Staff complete regular head counts to ensure all children are accounted for when they move from one area of the school to another.All staff have completed safeguarding training.

They demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of how to identify any concerns and of the reporting procedures to keep children safe. The manager follows safer recruitment procedures so that staff working at the setting have completed checks to assure their suitability. All staff working with children have a paediatric first-aid qualification.

This enables them to understand how to manage accidents appropriately if they occur.Parents comment on how their children always look forward to attending and that staff get to know their children well. This includes both well-established children who have been attending for many years and those children who are newly attending.

This contributes significantly to children's sense of belonging and supports them to feel safe and secure.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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Alexandra Primary School

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