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The Lindens, 59 Barrington Road, ALTRINCHAM, Cheshire, WA14 1HZ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The new management team has improved the quality of care and education successfully. For example, staff's care practices now support children's good health and well-being. Staff encourage children to wash their hands before and after eating.
They ensure that nappy changing is both hygienic and a positive learning experience for children. Children learn to serve themselves independently at mealtimes. They become skilled in using tools, such as tongs and cutlery.
Consequently, children learn appropriate self-help skills.Children are happy and settled in the nursery. This is because staff get to know children well by spen...ding time playing alongside them.
Children delight in cosy moments, such as sharing books with staff in the wigwam. They knock down skittles in the garden as staff cheer them on. As a result, children learn to celebrate their achievements.
Children are positive learners. They develop well due to the meaningful and relevant learning opportunities that staff provide. Children behave well due to staff's good modelling.
Children learn how to get along well with each other as they share toys and wait for their turn. Staff help children to use manners politely saying, 'No thank you', when they decline a drink.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager has a good understanding of the Banana Moon curriculum.
The franchise curriculum is designed to support children to become independent learners. The manager has ensured that staff improve the environments and daily routines to reflect this. For example, children self-register every morning and independently access a wide range of learning resources.
This encourages children's self-initiated learning.The manager has provided training for the staff team to help them understand the curriculum for children. This means that staff assess children's development often and plan a range of opportunities that spark their interests.
For example, children enjoy making play dough. However, at times, staff do not always enable children to learn new knowledge, such as mathematical language. This is because the manager does not ensure that staff focus enough on the knowledge children need to acquire.
Staff promote children's communication and language development effectively. They read books with children and talk about the pictures. They successfully engage children in lots of interactions.
For example, staff comment on children's play, saying 'That is a very loud car!' These strategies help children to learn new words and make sense of the world around them.In the main, children behave positively. Staff talk to children about their feelings.
For example, they discuss the facial expressions children make and what they mean. Children learn to express their feelings appropriately. However, at times, staff do not manage children's behaviour successfully.
As a result, children do not always follow instructions promptly. Children do not consistently learn what behaviours are expected of them at different times.Staff support children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well.
For example, they use a 'look, listen and wait' approach to ensure that all children's needs are accurately identified. Together with parents and/or carers appropriate next steps are set. If required, the manager seeks specialist support from other professionals.
Children make the progress of which they are capable.Children develop well physically. The cook provides children with a nutritionally balanced diet to fuel their busy days.
Staff praise children for trying new foods and making healthy choices. They help children to learn to ride wheeled toys and roll balls with skill. Toddlers practise threading to develop hand muscle strength and control.
Children are ready for the next stage of their education.Parents are positive about the recent changes in management. Parents praise the staff for their friendly attitudes and effective organisation, for example, they comment that their children are 'coming along really well' with their counting.
Parents feel well informed about their children's development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager's ethos is well understood by staff.
Staff know that keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility. This means that all staff understand their role to identify and respond to any concerns they may have about a child's welfare. Furthermore, staff know who to contact should they have concerns about the conduct of someone who works with children.
The premises are kept safe and secure. Fingerprint recognition entry ensures that only those authorised are allowed to enter the setting. The environment is carefully maintained.
For instance, staff conduct daily checks of the outdoor area before children go out to play. This minimises risks to children's safety.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the professional development that staff receive to focus on their understanding of what children need to learn provide staff with behaviour management strategies to help children understand the expectations of them so that they are ready to make the most from every learning opportunity.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.