Barn Owls After School Club Ltd

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About Barn Owls After School Club Ltd

Name Barn Owls After School Club Ltd
Address Ranvilles Junior School, Oldbury Way, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 3BN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are resourceful and helpful. This is evident as they thoughtfully collect boxes of different sizes and a selection of stationery to prepare for a junk modelling activity. Children fully absorb themselves in imaginative play.

They listen well to instructions provided by staff. Children happily cooperate as they work with friends of different ages. Older children hold boxes up for younger friends as they carefully wrap sticky tape round the containers to secure them together.

Children are delighted as they complete creative projects successfully. They display pride in completed structures as they show them off to st...aff. Occasionally, background music in the main room is too loud.

This can be slightly disruptive for children who are concentrating hard to complete tasks.Staff hold important conversations when they ask children about their lives outside of the club. Children are happy to share their opinions as they talk about their parents' occupations.

Young children persevere to help staff prepare delicious snacks. They take it in turns to carefully slice up vegetables and to set out cutlery for older children. All children, including those who are relatively new to the club, are excited to contribute to group activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff help children to extend their understanding of technology. They complement children's school learning as they guide them through using familiar mathematical programs. Children collaborate and talk to friends as they find the answers to sums.

Strict privacy filters prevent children from accessing inappropriate online sites. Nevertheless, staff hold regular conversations with children about how they can keep themselves safe online.The manager speaks passionately about offering a high-quality provision for children.

She works with the provider and staff to make continual improvements to the play environment and to the daily routine. They recognised that they wanted children to be as independent as possible. They improved facilities for infant school children to store their own possessions when they arrive at the club.

Following requests from staff, the manager sourced more games for older children. They particularly enjoy playing quick draw matching games.Staff foster strong partnerships with parents of children who attend the club.

They demonstrate this when they hold informal conversations with parents at the end of the day. Parents are made to feel welcome on arrival and they are comfortable to ask questions. Staff are continuing to strengthen processes to share information with staff at local schools about children's care.

The manager tailors the deployment of staff to meet the needs of all children in attendance. She provides a higher staff-to-child ratio when there are younger children using the outdoor playing field. Staff remain vigilant to children's needs at all times.

They notice if children need extra guidance. For example, staff show children how to hold hockey sticks correctly. Children practise hitting small balls across the grass.

The manager works closely with the provider to arrange a broad spectrum of training for the staff team. Staff recently consolidated their knowledge of the early years foundation stage. They consistently share information about how to help the youngest children they look after settle into the club quickly.

Staff respect children's privacy. They demonstrate this as they encourage children to move away from the main play space if they need to change their clothes. Also, information boards displaying details of children's food allergies are stored in a space which is only accessible to the staff team.

Staff remain nearby when Reception-age children use the toilet, just in case they need additional support.Children form close attachments to staff. They feel secure in their presence and invite them to join in with play.

Children work with staff to establish rules at the club, which helps them to understand the type of behaviour staff expect from them. Children behave very well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager has a good understanding of her responsibility to raise concerns about children's welfare. Staff are confident to share information about safeguarding with the manager. They also know how to alert appropriate professionals outside the club if they suspect a child is at risk of harm.

Details of any accidents or incidents are accurately logged by staff. The manager frequently checks these safeguarding logs to identify if there are any similar patterns of accidents emerging. She risk assesses all activities and removes any equipment if she identifies there are safety issues when children are using it.

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