Barracudas (Farnham)

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About Barracudas (Farnham)

Name Barracudas (Farnham)
Address Edgeborough School, 84 Frensham Road, Frensham, FARNHAM, Surrey, GU10 3AH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at the holiday club and are greeted by enthusiastic staff.

They show great confidence as they leave their parents and rush to join their friends in their base room. Children swiftly engage themselves in a variety of activities and experiences. Their needs and opinions are readily taken on board by staff.

For example, children have options to either dance with a drama teacher or go on a nature trail. This helps children to feel valued and develop a sense of belonging. Children love to be active in the fresh air.

Staff plan exciting outdoor activities to encourage children to build their stam...ina and resilience. For instance, children proudly demonstrate their increasing coordination when participating in circus skills, such as balancing plates on a stick. Children persevere to master this tricky skill and collectively cheer when successful.

This helps to promote their confidence and self-esteem.Children quickly become aware of the holiday club's behaviour expectations. They positively follow the rules and boundaries, which are shared with children daily by staff.

Children demonstrate respect and good manners. They speak politely using words, such as 'excuse me' when they want to get someone's attention. Staff support new children to feel comfortable and make friends.

For instance, a new child is allocated a 'buddy' to help them to feel welcomed.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a clear vision of the holiday club's strengths and priorities for improvement. They have high expectations to maintain the high quality of care.

For example, they provide tailored training to equip staff for their various roles of responsibility. In addition, they monitor staff's practice closely and offer constructive feedback to further improve. Staff highly commend the leaders, saying they are knowledgeable and approachable.

They feel listened to and are encouraged to take on promotions in the company, based on their strengths. This helps to create a strong team and an atmosphere of mutual respect.The highly qualified staff work in different early years settings during term time.

Their experience is invaluable in supporting children's development and care. Staff get to know children well from the start. They use information gathered from parents and an 'All About Me' form completed by children, to hold meaningful conversations.

For example, children actively contribute to a group discussion about their careers when they are older. They move on to writing a 'thank you' letter to people of different professions. Staff expertly support children to use their phonic ability to spell words they are unsure of.

The holiday club's ethos is strongly focused on encouraging children to understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. For instance, children carefully consider which foods may be healthy or unhealthy. They have plenty of opportunities for physical exercise.

For example, children state that their favourite outdoor activity is football on the astro turf. In addition, children's emotional well-being is supported effectively by staff. Some children who may get a little upset are sensitively acknowledged and solutions are discussed to help them self-regulate their emotions.

Children consistently demonstrate an extremely positive attitude to participating in the numerous challenges planned. They show great imaginative and creative skills. For instance, they role play real-life scenarios in pairs, using stick puppets of people in different jobs.

Children allocate themselves a role and collaboratively work out the dialogue. They share their wonderful performances with an audience of children and staff, who clap in appreciation.Staff recognise the importance of raising children's awareness of the diverse world we live in, such as discussing gender roles in different professions.

For instance, children listen intently to a story about a female firefighter. They answer questions related to the qualities that firefighters, regardless of gender, may need to complete their important work. For instance, being strong to help lift the hose.

Parents speak highly of the holiday club. They state that, on collection, their children are full of conversation about the fun activities they have taken part in. Parents are particularly impressed with the safe and secure procedures followed at arrival and collection.

Leaders are aware of the importance of sharing more personalised information with parents about their child's day. They intend to further improve this service even more, so that parents are fully involved in their child's experiences at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff update their safeguarding training regularly. Leaders and staff have a secure understanding of the potential signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm, including exposure to extremist views and behaviours. Staff know the correct procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child's welfare or the behaviour of another staff member.

Leaders and colleagues within the company responsible for safer recruitment ensure that appropriate measures are followed to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff carry out robust risk assessments, indoors and outdoors. They supervise children closely within a safe and suitable environment.

Also at this postcode
Edgeborough Stagecoach Farnham

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