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About Barracudas Cambridge Long Road
Barracudas Cambridge Long Road
Long Road Sixth Form College, Long Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PX
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children eagerly enter the camp and are greeted by an incredibly warm and friendly staff team. Children happily wave goodbye to their parents. They feel safe and secure as they excitedly chat to staff and new friends about the day ahead.
Children settle swiftly into their individual groups, which helps them feel a sense of belonging and inclusion. Children's voices are listened to as they help to decide the group's 'golden rules', such as being kind and sharing.The fantastic array of activities on offer means children are spoilt for choice.
Children love the bouncy castle. They describe the thrill of trying new motorsport ...experiences, such as riding a go-kart in the safe outdoor environment. Children explain the rules about safety and how to protect themselves.
For example, they know to put on the protective clothing and helmet under the supervision of the specialised trained instructor. Children explain that 'only one child is allowed on at a time'.Children access amazing art and craft activities, where they express themselves in a variety of ways.
They design and create pictures of their future self. Children develop self-esteem and confidence as they tell staff and peers about their creation and what they want to be when they are older.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team and staff provide high-quality and inclusive care.
Staff explain instructions to children in a clear and insightful way to ensure all children understand. Staff use visual, interactive strategies to support children who speak English as an additional language. For example, children show their understanding by putting their thumbs up.
Each day is broken into a number of sessions. Children are given choice about what they want to do as they have the option of two activity choices per session.Children's physical and emotional well-being is prioritised.
Extensive facilities including a large sports hall promote fitness as children play team sports, such as basketball. Young children roar with laughter as they take on the challenge of beating a member of staff in a running race. Children can try archery and during the summer months the aqua park is a firm favourite.
Children explore nature, build dens and enjoy a scavenger hunt. In addition to keeping active, staff support healthy attitudes towards food. Staff promote this with a fun, weekly challenge, where children are given points for the number of fruit or vegetables they have in their packed lunch.
Staff are superb role models. They talk in a calm and respectful manner and give meaningful praise, promoting positive behaviours and attitudes. Regular visits from the area manager ensure that the camp's ethos is securely embedded.
This is consistently evident through expert staff practice. For example, behaviour management is highly effective as staff throughout the camp consistently ensure children know what is expected of them. Staff use memorable rhymes to support young children to follow instructions in a fun way.
For example, the group leader says 'line up in single file' and children form a line while saying 'duckling style' with a giggle. As a result, children display exceptional behaviour and good manners.Meticulous policies and procedures, including robust and ongoing risk assessments, are followed to ensure children are safe and well cared for.
Safety is of unquestionable importance to the management and staff at the camp. The ratio of staff to children is always adhered to. Staff consistently carry out risk assessments during activities.
For example, during a woodland adventure, staff clearly mark out areas that children can freely explore.The manager and staff have established effective partnership with parents. Parents report a professional and well-organised camp that their children repeatedly ask to return to.
Before children start, parents are provided with information to support their children to have a positive experience at the camp. Group leaders identify children who may need some extra support during the day. This process begins before children start by gathering in-depth information about each child.
As a result, all children's individual and personal needs are met superbly well.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The safety of children is a priority and for the Barracudas company as a whole.
Staff receive meticulous training before every holiday season. Staff talk confidently about how they protect children on the premises and how they supervise them extremely closely. Senior staff are continuously monitoring staff practice and ensuring they are following the rules and regulations of the camp.
Staff can identify a child who may be at risk of neglect and/or abuse and know how to report concerns. A robust recruitment process ensures that those working with children are suitable for their role. First-aid procedures are implemented exceptionally well.