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Barton School, School Lane, Barton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 7BD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children and parents arrive at the playgroup and are welcomed enthusiastically by friendly staff who know them well. Children are keen to take part in activities and enjoy a good range of well-presented resources.
Children show curiosity as they watch 'gloop' falling between their fingers. They concentrate and persevere as they turn puzzle pieces around until they all fit. Children show good imagination as they pour and tip water into containers and funnels and say they are 'making potions'.
Children have opportunities to build on their previous learning. For example, after a recent visit to the local farm for tractor ...rides, they enthusiastically play in the 'mechanic workshop'. They use a tick list to identify the different parts of the tractor and attach the charging leads to 'charge the battery'.
Children behave well. They understand the playgroup's boundaries and follow staff's instructions willingly. They understand that they need to share resources and take turns.
Older children confidently say, 'Please can I have a go after you?' Children often work together to complete tasks. For example, they join in to help their friends fill a large bucket with sand. Children demonstrate mature language skills.
They happily chat together about their experiences, such as travelling to the airport to go on holiday.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children's progress is carefully monitored and reviewed by the dedicated manager, who is passionate about what she does. She plans precisely targeted learning opportunities to challenge and promote each child's future learning.
As a result, children are happy, keen to join in, and develop good knowledge and skills in all areas of learning.Some aspects of teaching are outstanding. For example, staff challenge children to think for themselves to consider the differences between wood and plastic, to help children identify the material of a plastic crate.
However, other aspects of teaching are not. For example, sometimes during group activities, staff do not encourage all children to participate. As a result, some children miss out on their learning.
Strong links have been established with local schools. On the day of inspection, children visited the nearby school. They enthusiastically played with the resources and chatted confidently to teachers and older children.
At the playgroup, children learn letter sounds, develop number skills and begin to write their names. As a result, children are very well prepared to start school.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour.
They support children effectively to understand the impact of their behaviour on others. For example, children are familiar with the phrase 'Is my fun, fun for everyone?' to help them think about their own behaviour.Staff support children's communication well.
They talk to children constantly throughout the day. Staff listen attentively, ask questions and introduce new vocabulary, such as 'ripe' as children eat their fruit at snack time. As a result, children become very confident communicators.
Staff skilfully support children's mathematical development. For example, as children play, staff encourage them to identify the shapes of objects and resources. During everyday activities, such as snack time or lining up, children join in enthusiastically with staff to count how many children there are.
Children develop an understanding of the similarities and differences that they share. Staff ask parents to tell them about celebrations and events from home that are important to their family. Children learn about these in a variety of ways, such as role play and craft activities.
This helps children develop a sense of belonging and gain an understanding of what makes them unique and different.The staff and committee have high expectations. They share an ambitious vision to provide an outstanding experience for all children at the playgroup.
However, they have not ensured that all staff receive focused and highly effective professional development to ensure their knowledge and skills develop continually.Parents are keen to share their positive views about the playgroup. They say that staff are very supportive and make them feel welcome and included.
Parents appreciate the detailed information they receive about their children's learning and development, including how they can support learning at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The staff understand their responsibilities to safeguard and protect children.
They know how to identify the possible signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. They know how to monitor and report any concerns about children's safety and well-being effectively. Suitability checks are appropriately completed for all staff and committee members.
The manager recognises the importance of conducting risk assessments of the environment and when on outings. This helps to assure children's welfare.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the already good practice more closely to raise the quality of teaching to the highest level consider ways to ensure all staff receive focused and highly effective professional development opportunities, and monitor the impact this has on the quality of teaching and children's learning.