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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children thrive in the safe and nurturing environment that staff provide.
They thoroughly enjoy their time at the nursery, showing high levels of self-esteem, resilience and curiosity. Children build incredibly strong bonds with all staff. They show that they feel safe and secure through their body language and how they engage in activities.
Children are eager explorers. They investigate the environment with enthusiastic staff, whose practice is truly inspirational. They benefit from hands-on, meaningful learning experiences, which successfully build their knowledge and skills over time.
For example, ch...ildren recall how to make pumpkin soup. They use the story book to remind them of the ingredients and method to prepare it with staff, before taking it out to the campfire to keep it warm. Children excitedly compare the pumpkin seeds to the apple seeds they discovered at snacktime.
They describe how they grew the pumpkins from seed before harvesting them to prepare the soup.Children become confident communicators. They benefit from high-quality focused interactions with skilled staff from the start.
Babies begin to compare the size of toy vehicles they roll back and forwards to their friends. Toddlers show their understanding of size, as they accurately choose a small and large apple when investigating the effects of autumn. Pre-school children share their thoughts clearly, for example why the ball will not roll up the guttering but falls off the end.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Highly qualified and experienced leaders organise the curriculum together with staff, to enable children to flourish. Leaders and staff are passionate in their roles to provide children with first-class care and learning experiences. They highly value education for all; staff receive incredible support to gain and extend their professional qualifications.
This significantly raises the quality of education that children receive, and new, less experienced staff benefit greatly from the consistently high-quality, informed practice.Staff place high priority on building children's vocabulary and understanding to the highest level. They show great ambition to inspire a love of learning in children.
Staff read stories to children throughout the day with great enthusiasm that captures children's interest successfully. Toddlers show sustained attention and interest at story time. They answer questions and join in, as they pretend to squeeze apples to extract the juice.
Staff explain new words in the story, such as 'debris', and make links to activities children have enjoyed.Staff provide an inviting environment, which helps children learn about nature, sustainability, and the local community. Children enjoy a wide range of physical activity, which helps them understand what they can achieve.
They learn how to keep themselves safe, when they take supervised risks when climbing trees and during walks into the village and neighbouring fields. They receive lots of praise and encouragement to try new things. This helps children build confidence and 'can do' attitudes, which help them prepare for the move to school and life in modern Britain.
Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the nursery and staff. They state that their expectations for childcare are consistently exceeded. Parents typically comment on the excellent communication they receive about their child's day and what they are learning next.
They add that their children are excited to attend and marvel at the progress they typically make, as they become confident, independent and articulate talkers.Staff work exceptionally well together, united in their approach to place children at the centre of all they do. They share that they feel valued by leaders and well supported to fulfil their roles.
Leaders make highly effective use of staff's individual skill set to continually seek ways to improve the experiences for children. For example, the curriculum manager has specific time each day to provide tailored support to staff to enhance and devise ways to motivate and help children achieve their next steps in learning. This contributes to the consistently excellent quality of teaching, which enables children to build considerable knowledge and skills for their future learning.
The provider's vision to create a caring nursery community is strongly shared by staff. They are deeply committed to providing an inclusive environment where all children experience success. Children with special educational needs and/or disability receive tailored support from dedicated staff who work seamlessly with other professionals to adapt the environment and teaching approach that enable them to achieve individual goals.
Parents comment how staff take time to understand children's specific needs, including some complex ones. They feel incredibly well supported to navigate the pathways to access the support their child is entitled to.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders provide staff with regular training and updates about child protection and safeguarding issues. They regularly test out staff knowledge and discuss local events to be fully aware of potential safeguarding risks to children and families, such as county lines and cuckooing. Staff confidently identify possible signs of child abuse and neglect.
They know precisely what to do should they have any concerns about a child's welfare. Staff know how to raise any concerns they may have about any staff working with children. Leaders follow robust recruitment processes that help to assure the suitability of staff.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.