Beanstalks@Tyntesfield School

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About Beanstalks@Tyntesfield School

Name Beanstalks@Tyntesfield School
Address Tyntesfield Cp School, Alma Road, SALE, Cheshire, M33 4HE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Trafford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are settled and happy at this child-centred club. They understand the routines to follow, even though there have been some changes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, children know to hang their coats up and wash their hands as they arrive. Staff encourage children's good behaviour with praise, such as by adding marbles to a 'reward jar' when children help to tidy up. An effective key-person system enables staff to spend time getting to know the children and to build strong relationships with them.

Children's laughter and excitement fills the air as they talk with their friends and engage in a wide variety... of activities. They show positive attitudes towards their play. Children say that they 'love crafts and being creative'.

They make 'snow globes' by painting jars white and by choosing their own materials. Children develop their small-muscle skills as they roll dough and think of their own ideas to make 'flowers'. They take turns and share toys.

For example, children set a digital timer while playing on the games console, so that other children can have a turn. Outdoors, they practise their physical skills, such as kicking balls and climbing on apparatus.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are confident in their vision for the setting, which is to provide 'high-quality childcare' and 'to offer a stimulating and fun environment' where children can flourish.

Self-evaluation is thorough and includes the views of children, parents and staff. This enables leaders to continually improve. For example, they review the space available and adapt routines to have a positive impact on younger children's well-being.

Children enjoy experiences which complement their learning in school. For example, they practise their writing using whiteboards. Children have opportunities to develop counting skills and number recognition.

Staff plan activities by following children's interests, so that children can learn through their play.Children learn about similarities and differences between themselves and others. For example, they learn about different countries and taste foods from them, such as pretzels and plantain.

They make flags for each country and learn how to say 'hello' in different languages. These opportunities help children to be well prepared for life in the diverse society they live in.Partnership working is excellent.

The club is part of an organisation with other early years settings, and staff make good use of the support from senior leaders. Strong links with the host school enables continuity in children's care, during their initial settling-in period and throughout their time at the club.Parents' comments are extremely positive.

They say that the club is 'wonderful' and that staff are 'friendly and welcoming'. Leaders have recently implemented an online application to strengthen parental engagement even further, and parents value this.Children are good communicators.

They show respect and confidence when talking. For example, they ask the inspector why he is there and discuss their favourite aspects of the club. Children say that it is 'lots of fun' because they 'get to play with friends and there are lots of things to do'.

Staff encourage children to talk by asking them questions and engaging them in conversations.Care practices are good. Staff promote children's growing independence well.

For example, children pour their own drinks and choose their own healthy snacks. They learn about healthy eating and lifestyles, such as when staff discuss the difference between fruits and vegetables. Staff follow stringent hygiene practices, which promote children's good health and helps to reduce the spread of infection.

Staff work in a well-established team. Leaders prioritise staff well-being and support them in and out of work. A comprehensive programme of supervision, training and support helps staff to further improve their practice.

For example, recent training in team leading has helped staff to mentor less-experienced members of the team, to help them to develop their practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Thorough risk assessments help staff to ensure that the premises are safe and secure.

Staff are well deployed and supervise children vigilantly. They are trained in safeguarding and first aid, and leaders check that this knowledge is up to date. Robust recruitment procedures ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff know how to keep children safe and protected from harm. They have a broad understanding of safeguarding issues, such as grooming and female genital mutilation. Staff know the procedures to follow should they have concerns about children's welfare, or the conduct of a colleague.

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