Beckenham Montessori Pre-school

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About Beckenham Montessori Pre-school

Name Beckenham Montessori Pre-school
Ofsted Inspections
Address School House, Clare House Primary School, Overbury Avenue, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 6PY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders and staff create an inclusive, welcoming and safe environment for children.

They use the daily routines and activities to help children develop self-assurance and good social and emotional skills. All children engage well throughout the day and develop the confidence to try new experiences. They show good attitudes towards learning and are ready for what comes next.

The curriculum is ambitious for all children, regardless of their unique abilities or backgrounds. Staff work well together to help each child achieve well from their individual starting points. All children are keen to join in with the activities, ...and celebrate their achievements together.

They show positive attitudes towards learning new skills, such as walking up and down stairs safely and speaking in front of the group. Staff share their expectations for positive behaviour with the children. They give children plenty of time to complete activities before a change in routine, and praise them often for their good behaviour and achievements.

Children share and take turns and they are respectful and kind towards others. They follow simple instructions well and show high levels of emotional and physical well-being.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff sequence the curriculum so that children can explore, practise and learn new skills.

Staff frequently encourage children to recall previous learning and prepare them for what will happen next. They help children to learn and remember more over time, in readiness for school.Staff implement the provider's curriculum aims well and assess children's progress from their initial starting points.

They are good educators and plan challenging activities that widen children's knowledge. Occasionally, they do not build on children's own interests and ideas as they play, to deepen their learning further.Leaders and staff place a strong focus on helping children to develop good communication and language skills.

They ask questions as they engage children in exciting songs, stories and activities. They introduce new words, such as 'flavour' and 'oxygen', to build on children's vocabulary. Children use language in a variety of situations, including as they stand up and speak in front of others during circle time.

Some of the children attending speak English as an additional language. Staff work hard to help children use their home languages in their play and to explore different languages spoken at the setting. For example, children show immense pride in correctly identifying and naming different colours in Spanish.

Leaders and staff are good role models who teach children to be caring towards others and to have the confidence to share their own feelings. They offer them ongoing opportunities to talk about their emotions, including when they encounter difficulties in their activities. Children share, take turns and learn to regulate their own behaviour well.

Staff implement care practices consistently. They help each child to manage tasks independently so that they develop good levels of confidence and self-motivation. This is evident in the way that children spontaneously join in with all routines and activities.

Staff effectively teach children about being healthy. For example, they talk to them about why their hearts beat faster during exercise and why fruit is good for them as they eat at snack time. They help children to develop an early understanding of good health.

The provider's recruitment and vetting procedures help to ensure that only suitable individuals work with children. Leaders offer good opportunities for staff to receive ongoing training, supervision and support to ensure that they fulfil their roles and responsibilities. The provider is reflective of practice and works alongside staff to keep children safe and well cared for.

The staff team works well with other professionals, including local schools, to share information about children's needs. This contributes to preparing children for changes in their lives, including the move to school.Leaders value working in partnership with parents.

Staff engage well with parents, including through positive interactions at pick up times and the sharing of information about children's ongoing learning and development. Children delight in sharing special items from home, further promoting a sense of continuity for children. Leaders' strong emphasis on working with parents, positively impacts on children's care and learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nuse all opportunities to develop children's emerging interests in their play, to further extend their learning.

Also at this postcode
Clare House Primary School Chucklebox@clare House Buzzers Beckenham

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