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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
All children thrive in the care of exceptionally kind, attentive staff. They form wonderfully trusting relationships with their key person and all other members of the staff team. This supports even the youngest babies to develop a very strong sense of security.
Children readily approach staff, confident in the knowledge that they will receive a warm response and the comfort or support they seek. Interactions are consistently warm and positive, and the nursery is filled with the sound of children laughing and having fun. Children develop extremely mature social skills and behaviour for their ages.
With the suppo...rt of staff, they gain an impressive understanding of their emotions and learn to share and take turns. Children receive the best possible start to their lives as learners. Their natural curiosity is expertly nurtured by staff who are highly trained to understand and meet the specific needs of children under three years of age.
Children become very motivated learners. In addition to the adult-led activities that sit within the challenging curriculum, they benefit from plenty of time and space to lead their own play. The thoughtful organisation of the learning environment very successfully encourages children to explore and investigate.
Children also benefit from a range of experiences that help them to learn about the world outside of the nursery. For example, all babies enjoy long daily outings in their buggies. They experience different weather conditions and seasonal changes and the impact these have on the sea and on trees.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The key to the tremendous success of the nursery lies in the passion and expertise of leaders, managers and staff in meeting the needs of children under three years. This is underpinned by highly effective teamwork and excellent communication. These factors combine to create an atmosphere that is appropriately calm and stimulating at different times while always remaining harmonious.
Leaders have been swift to address issues arising from the last inspection. The nursery environment is inviting, comfortable and well-maintained, and sleeping arrangements are fully appropriate.The quality of teaching is exceptional.
Staff very skilfully plan activities that are precisely targeted to offer the appropriate level of challenge. For example, a well-conceived activity based around frogs and lily ponds captures and maintains children's imagination. Staff perfectly adapt their interactions to reflect the abilities of each child.
They introduce new vocabulary and celebrate when this is repeated by children. Staff also embrace children's interest in counting and recognising colours and shapes, successfully promoting mathematical ideas with the very young children.Staff are always on hand to follow children's fascinations to extend their enjoyment and learning.
Children eagerly choose from a broad range of interesting toys and resources, becoming engrossed in their play. In addition, staff create books for each child using photos provided by their parents. Babies select these independently, focusing intently as they turn the pages.
Staff use their thorough knowledge of each child to discuss their pictures and name family members. This builds children's positive sense of identity very effectively while also promoting their speech and language skills.There is a strong and effective focus on promoting children's physical skills.
Babies develop the confidence to pull themselves up to standing and begin to take steps, cheered on by staff who are genuinely invested in their success. All children benefit from regularly using equipment, indoors and out, that encourages them to develop their strength and coordination. Staff also plan activities that are specifically designed to build the hand muscles and coordination that children need in preparation for holding pens and pencils.
For example, children use small tools as they explore play dough and grasp glue sticks as they stick leaves they have collected to make hedgehog pictures.Staff are remarkably effective in instilling a love of books in all children. Books are attractively displayed in all areas of the nursery, and staff and children explore these constantly throughout the day.
Children become absorbed in the extremely well-read stories. Staff use animated voices to depict characters and encourage children to recall their previous experience and knowledge as they look at pictures.Children are constantly immersed in language.
All staff are fully consistent in their approach to supporting children's communication. Babies vocalise happily as they play. Staff respond by engaging them in back-and-forth exchanges, modelling conversational skills.
Children are excited to learn new words, and staff respond to children's unique experiences and knowledge to extend their vocabulary.There are very good arrangements to promote children's health. They enjoy nutritious snacks and freshly cooked meals that reflect their individual dietary requirements.
Hygiene standards are high, and children's personal care needs are met sensitively and promptly.Leaders, managers and staff work in strong partnership with parents and share information about children's interests, achievements and care needs effectively. Staff provide a variety of resources to help parents continue their child's learning at home.
Recently, these have included 'homework' bags for children to collect items related to autumn to bring in and discuss with staff.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.