Beechwood Childcare Limited

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About Beechwood Childcare Limited

Name Beechwood Childcare Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Mill Lodge Nursery, Mill Lodge Junior & Infant School, Aqueduct Road, Shirley, SOLIHULL, West Midlands
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Solihull
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff greet children with warmth as they enter the nursery. They sing a 'Hello' song during group time together. Each child receives individual acknowledgment, and staff ask them about their feelings.

This helps children feel valued and included. Staff build secure and respectful relationships with children to help them settle. When some children become a little unsure, staff respond swiftly to them.

Staff use different strategies to support children's emotions. For example, they talk to children about their feelings and what they can do to help them feel better. Staff ask children if they would like a spare 'magic smi...le' from the staff's pocket to help them feel better.

Children await their smile with anticipation. They beam with delight when they receive a smile in return. This helps boost children's confidence and self-esteem.

Staff plan an ambitious curriculum based on children's interests. They use stories to help children ignite an interest in their learning. Children show a positive attitude towards learning as they curiously explore the environment.

Staff use familiar stories to plan a bear hunt and go exploring to discover different textures. This helps to build on children's understanding of the world around them. Children develop a wider vocabulary as they use different words to describe the textures they feel.

This contributes to their development and understanding of language.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff have worked hard to meet the actions set at the last inspection. Leaders have strengthened support through supervisions and regular observation of practice.

They provide staff with various training to support them in delivering a well-sequenced curriculum to promote children's learning and development. Staff demonstrate their confidence in their understanding of the purpose of the activities they provide and how this supports children's development.Staff deliver a range of activities for children that cover all areas of learning.

Staff hold discussions during activities to find out what children already know. Children respond confidently to these discussions, sharing their ideas. However, there are times when staff do not always consider ways to extend or develop children's knowledge even further beyond what they already know and can do.

This means not all children make the best possible progress of which they are capable.Staff implement well-established routines to support children throughout their different stages of development. Children listen well and follow instructions from staff on what is happening next.

During mealtime routines, all children wash their hands in preparation for eating. Younger children learning to feed themselves use their cutlery successfully. Older children take responsibility for handing out cutlery to their friends.

Staff and children sit together at mealtimes. They use this time to build on children's social skills as they talk about what they have enjoyed during their day.Parent partnerships are strong.

Staff exchange regular updates and information about children's development. They share any concerns or potential delays in children's development with parents to ensure they receive the support required to help them make progress. Parents comment that since attending, their children have become more confident and love coming to nursery.

Staff promote learning at home and share activity ideas to support children's individual next steps.Younger children thrive in their learning as they discover different objects in the sensory room. They learn to problem solve from a young age and develop their critical thinking skills.

For example, when they discover a light toy that is not working, they recall their knowledge of how they can make it work. They attempt to turn this back on by using the switch. Children show determination and a 'can-do' attitude until they are successful in the task.

Children relish their time out in the garden. They build secure friendships as they blow bubbles together. Children giggle in sheer delight as they chase and catch these in their hands to pop them.

Staff support and encourage children to take safe risks as they climb on the climbing frame. This supports their development of their core strength and physical skills.The nursery implements rigorous risk assessments to keep children safe.

Staff provide care and comfort for children who become tired and need a rest or sleep. They provide safe sleeping arrangements. Staff regularly check sleeping children to ensure they remain safe while they sleep.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen teaching further to support staff with identifying opportunities to extend children's learning, beyond what they already know and can do to make the best possible progress.

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