Beehive On Queens Park Montessori School

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About Beehive On Queens Park Montessori School

Name Beehive On Queens Park Montessori School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Beehive On Queens Park Montessori School, 147 Chevening Road, London, NW6 6DZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children thrive in this warm and nurturing nursery.

They arrive with smiles and confidently separate from their parents, eager to explore the setting. Children behave very well and are confident to explore their learning environment. They express their opinions and make choices about what they want to do.

They follow daily routines and know what is expected of them. For example, they keenly line up and walk sensibly to the cloakroom and get ready to explore outside.Managers and staff want the best for all children and deliver an ambitious curriculum.

They get to know them well from the start and provide attent...ive care and focused learning opportunities. They plan personalised activities that capture the children's interests and help them achieve the next steps in their learning.Children are extremely inquisitive and motivated learners.

They show high levels of interest as they explore a rich array of activities that staff carefully plan. For example, when scooping beans into pots to make medicine, the children were keen to discuss the size, shape and colour of the beans while comparing and sorting them. This supports children to have good communication skills and opportunities to problem-solve.

Children learn to be kind and helpful and work together. They share resources and space safely and successfully. They enjoy having responsibility for small tasks such as working as a team at tidy-up time to stack bricks back into their box.

The interactions between staff and children are warm and positive. Staff prepare children well for their next stages in their learning. This includes when children are about to start at school.

There is a good working relationship between the setting and feeder schools to help children and parents prepare for this transition.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are dedicated to providing good-quality care and education to children. The nursery implements and follows a curriculum based on personalised learning, with children making choices that are carefully guided and supported by staff.

Staff ensure that children's prior learning is revisited and built on through current activities. Staff plan a curriculum that promotes positive outcomes for all.Key workers assess what children can do and plan for their next steps in learning.

They provide a personalised learning experience for each child. This provides good opportunities for children to learn and develop across the curriculum.Children's personal, social and emotional development is very well supported.

Children manage their emotions, enhancing their ability to self-regulate positively. This has helped to create an environment that is calm and purposeful. For example, during daily news time, children discuss their emotions and staff support the children to talk about the reasons they may feel like this.

Staff provide engaging opportunities for children to develop their fine motor and early writing skills. For example, children transfer colourful water using small pipettes, strengthening their hand muscles. Children have regular opportunities to exercise and be active.

They participate in yoga and movement classes, developing their balance and hand-eye coordination.Children's communication and language development is well considered by staff. Staff build on vocabulary and model new language for the children through termly themed topics such as the weather, key stories and songs.

For example, while discussing the weather, children recall key words, saying, 'That is precipitation.' Children make good progress in their communication and language. Children enjoy listening to stories and this helps them to develop a love of books.

However, occasionally, staff do not carefully consider the choice of story so that every child is engaged in story time.Children benefit from varied visits in the local community and become exposed to opportunities that they may not otherwise experience. For example, they visit the nearby recycling centre to bring items and learn how to recycle them.

This helps them to gain an understanding of their wider world.Parents speak highly of staff and the professional relationships they have with them. Staff share important information about each child's progress and encourage parents to be fully involved with their child's learning to help support continuous care.

Staff talk about the positive working culture in the nursery. Staff praise the support for their well-being from leaders, and the encouragement for ongoing professional development. This helps to raise outcomes for children and creates a positive working environment where staff enjoy coming to work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: further improve story time so that this is an engaging experience for all children.

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