Big Teds Nursery Ltd

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About Big Teds Nursery Ltd

Name Big Teds Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Sompting Village School, White Styles Road, Sompting, West Sussex, BN15 0BU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled at this inviting and friendly nursery. Staff greet them with welcoming smiles and inspire children's thinking as they offer them suggestions for their morning activities. Children enjoy exploring their senses as they play with cornflour and water.

They use a range of tools to scoop and stir the mixture. Staff promote children's creative thinking as they provide them with different animals and vehicles so they can observe the marks they are making.Children explain the exciting photographs on the wall, describing their knowledge of the different families that are displayed.

Staff provide th...em with this opportunity to build on their communication skills. For example, the children continue to discuss the different pets or siblings that their friends have at home. Children are engaged in conversations, as they learn about differences and similarities between themselves and others.

Leaders and staff implement an ambitious curriculum that builds on children's knowledge. For example, when children are excitedly drawing ladders with chalk outside, staff engage with them and pretend to walk up the ladders together. They recognise the opportunity to extend this learning for some children, by offering them a dice.

Children then match the number of steps they take with the number on the dice. Mathematical learning is promoted well and children are absorbed in their activity.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide children with plenty of opportunities to build on their conversation skills.

For example, during make-believe tea parties, staff model clear language and introduce words such as 'delicious' to build on children's vocabularies. Children become thoroughly involved in the game and giggle with delight as they play together.Children enjoy looking at a range of different books and texts during their play.

For example, children who are playing a 'vet' game, look at recipe books as they make special medicines to make their animals better. Children frequently have stories read to them throughout the day. Furthermore, when children explain that the plants they are growing need sunlight and water, they find a gardening book to enhance their knowledge further.

Children are highly involved in their learning and are developing a keen interest in reading.Staff know all the children well and can clearly explain their key children's stage of development. Leaders work well together to support staff in identifying any gaps in children's learning.

When children have special educational needs and/or disabilities, leaders work closely with other professionals, for example speech and language therapists, to implement certain strategies. This supports children in achieving best outcomes in their learning.Children have good levels of respect for one another and are beginning to understand the importance of sharing and taking turns.

At times, behavioural expectations for children are not always clear. For example, some children are asked not to run inside, but this is not consistently implemented or explained. As a result, children do not fully understand certain rules and, therefore, do not follow them.

Children are highly independent. They tend to most of their personal care needs themselves. Children wash and dry their hands with confidence before mealtimes and easily collect their bags ready for lunch.

Staff support children as they confidently ask for help when they need it. Children are building important skills ready for their next stage of learning.Parents explain that their children are always happy when they arrive at and leave the nursery.

Parents know they can easily communicate with staff at pick-up or drop-off times if they need to. However, they are not always clear about what their children are working towards. Therefore, parents cannot build on this learning at home.

This does not promote children's progress as much as possible.Staff support children in building confidence with their larger physical movements. They climb and balance on large beams, closely supported by staff, who offer praise and encouragement.

Children are excited as they learn new skills and begin to understand how to manage risks for themselves.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders implement a robust safeguarding policy which is regularly reviewed and updated when necessary.

Staff have sound knowledge of how to identify signs or symptoms which might be an indication that a child has become victim to abuse. They know the procedure they must follow to report this. Staff receive regular training to keep their knowledge relevant.

They can identify symptoms of gender-based violence, such as female genital mutilation. Staff are confident of the local authority reporting procedure they must follow should they ever have a concern about an adult working with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review how rules are explained and implemented, so they can be consistently understood by children strengthen communication with parents about children's progress, to promote children's learning at home.

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