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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy, settled and content. They demonstrate confidence when they arrive, hanging their coats up on their pegs as they rush off to play with their friends.
Children are independent in choosing what they would like to play with, and they confidently approach staff when they need them. Leaders and staff focus on getting to know children and their families to help children feel safe and secure in their care.Leaders and staff implement an ambitious curriculum and provide children with a wide range of experiences based on things that interest them.
For instance, children enjoy learning about fairy tales, and st...aff use their interests to spark their imaginations and curiosity. Staff use children's excitement in stories to encourage them to make different props that they have read about. Children enjoy using tools to make their own wooden bridge and explore how to make it balance.
Staff set clear and consistent boundaries, and children know the expectations for behaviour, listen well and follow the routines.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff place a high focus on supporting children's language and literacy skills. They frequently read books to children, including focus stories that are read regularly.
This helps children to be familiar with the story and learn new words and language. Children are very engaged during story times, and they listen intently and demonstrate an understanding about what is being read to them. Children also enjoy singing, and they confidently choose what they would like to sing and giggle with their friends as they take part in action songs.
Children have positive attitudes to learning and are eager to be involved in the activities that staff provide for them. Younger children listen carefully and excitedly follow instructions to find the plastic animals that staff have hid from them. This helps them to concentrate and follow instructions as they are introduced to different language.
Older children learn about different materials and tools as they explore floating and sinking and using materials such as clay and wood to make their own models.Staff quickly identify when children have delays with their learning or if there are concerns around a child's progress. Staff tailor support for children's specific needs to help them access the curriculum and make progress with their learning.
Staff work closely with parents and other professionals and understand how to access further support for children to close gaps in their learning.Partnerships with parents are strong and well established. Parents comment positively on the nurturing environment and caring staff.
They report that their children benefit from the interesting learning opportunities that they have access to. For instance, children take part in community events and enjoy learning French. Parents say that they are well informed about their children's progress and happy with the support given.
Leaders have a good oversight of their curriculum and the quality of education being delivered. Leaders and staff have regular meetings to reflect on their practice and to share information about children's learning. Although leaders reflect on their curriculum accurately, they do not identify some weaknesses in practice as swiftly, such as the procedures around children washing and drying their hands.
Children enjoy frequent outings to the park where they have opportunities to have fresh air and exercise. Staff set clear and consistent boundaries so that children know how to keep themselves safe as they cross the road together and when they are playing. Children excitedly chase each other and play games such as hide and seek.
Staff assess and monitor children's progress closely, and this helps them to target their support precisely. Staff know the children well, and this is evident in their interactions with them. Children eagerly involve staff in their games as they play imaginatively together.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make more effective use of self-evaluation to identify weaknesses in practice more swiftly, such as handwashing procedures.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.