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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The extensive curriculum provides a balance of experiences across all areas of children's learning. It carefully considers the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and how best to spend any additional funding.
Consequently, children attain very well. For example, children use the new vocabulary introduced to them during initial group discussions precisely as they explore and become immersed in their play.Children thrive in the outdoor environment, where they feel safe to enthusiastically explore and make discoveries.
Children show fascination as they listen to the birds and... spot a blackbird. Staff channel children's thinking exceedingly well with effective questioning and introducing more specific vocabulary as children begin to make comparisons. Staff excitedly share children's discoveries with parents and provide excellent ideas on how to extend this learning at home.
Children show awe and wonder as they lift logs carefully to look for bugs. They know to return 'the roof' to protect the bugs. Children are keen to find the bug on their laminated sheet and enthusiastically ask staff to read the description so that they can find out more.
They handle the tools, such as magnifying glasses, binoculars and torches, confidently. Children show great interest in how no battery torches operate as they squeeze the handle to make the light appear.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have an exceptional knowledge of a well-designed curriculum which builds on children's previous learning.
Children are inspired to learn. Staff carefully add new resources to support children's explorations in the wood, building their knowledge steadily so they can consolidate their learning. Children with SEND are wholeheartedly supported and their learning styles successfully considered.
Children make choices about their play. They initiate imaginative play for example, using torches as microphones. They start their rap song and then invite staff to continue in a turn-taking compilation, which builds children's understanding of the rhythm of words.
Staff rapidly compile individualised experiences to support children's interests and promote communication and language skills even further.Children have excellent opportunities to develop their imagination and language skills. They successfully recall the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' and passionately talk about how the African thatch looks like the straw house and how the wolf has made holes in the roof.
As staff reread the story, children become animated and fully engaged. They recite the familiar phrases and imitate the actions for story making. More confident children take their learning further, following the story map and pointing to the images as the story progresses.
There is exceptional support to encourage children to be independent in preparation for school. Children make very good attempts to dress themselves for forest club. Staff demonstrate how and encourage children to pull on their boots.
When children stand up, and the boots feel uncomfortable, they try again. Children love having the responsibility to carry their own rucksack and water bottle. They listen carefully to the checklist read by staff, ensuring they have all of their belongings.
Staff are excellent at providing children with explanations so that they learn safe practices. For example, children know not to put anything in their mouths while exploring the forest, including their fingers, and understand that this could make them poorly. Children behave exceptionally well.
Staff explain the rules and behavioural expectations clearly for forest club to the new starters. Children remind each other of the rules, for example how to carry sticks that are longer than their arm safely.Children form exceedingly strong relationships with the approachable and friendly staff.
Staff are highly respectful and acknowledge how children are feeling, helping them to resolve any conflicts that might arise. Staff celebrate children's achievements, for example displaying their chalkboard creations in the gallery. Children understand that these will need to be removed at the end of session.
Staff make it clear that they have taken photos to capture their creations to share with parents.The inspirational management team are excellent role models. Staff, including those who are working towards a qualification, receive excellent support for developing their professional skills.
There are numerous opportunities for staff to share their excellent practice to maintain very high standards within the pre-school. For example, staff reflect on the morning's session in the forest extremely well. They identify what has worked well specifically for each child and discuss how best to extend learning at the next session.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have excellent knowledge of the policies and procedures that keep children safe and implement these highly successfully. They use extremely effective risk assessments to provide a safe and secure environment and help children to identify any potential risks.
There are excellent procedures to ensure effective monitoring of children's attendance. All staff demonstrate very good understanding of the possible indicators that a child is at risk of harm and the procedure to follow. The designated safeguarding lead has good understanding of liaising with the school, if appropriate, and referring any concerns about a child or a member of staff to the local safeguarding partnership.