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St John Ambulance Hall, Little Shore Lane, Bishops Waltham, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 1ED
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are highly confident, independent and motivated learners. The curriculum expertly aims to ensure children have a wide range of exciting opportunities that skilfully prepare them for their next stages in learning. The setting follows a Montessori approach to education and children are thriving in all aspects of their learning.
Children feel safe and secure. They have wonderful bonds with the staff and make positive relationships with their peers. Children are eager to play together and demonstrate high levels of confidence in social situations.
For example, during a rehearsal for their nativity production, chil...dren confidently speak their lines and sing out loudly. Children also voice their ideas and opinions during play. They make suggestions on how to design and construct objects using various resources.
Children behave excellently. They are familiar with the daily routines and the behavioural expectations. For instance, children place mats on the floor or on tables and carry their activities to their working space.
Once they have finished they tidy away the resources and return them for someone else to use. Children are extremely respectful of the resources and treat them with great care.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are highly skilled teachers and provide children with an abundance of exciting and stimulating activities.
Staff are very attentive to the children's needs and development, and have excellent understanding of what the children know and can do. Their precise planning ensures children's flourishing progress is continuously supported, preparing them brilliantly for the next stages in their learning.Leaders and staff have high expectations of what the children can achieve.
They expertly set challenges during activities and routines to engage the children to think critically. For example, they invite children to use screwdrivers and work out how to take apart toys, exploring the mechanics and how to fit them back together. Children persist in solving problems and show great resilience and determination.
Children have excellent language and literacy skills. Children read books independently and recognise numbers and letters when reading. Staff nurture and encourage children's love for books across the setting.
Children recall rhymes from familiar books and read these to each other, confidently analysing the pictures to make their own storylines.Staff ensure children have ample opportunities to be independent. Children help themselves to snack, serving their own fruit and cereal.
They pour their own milk and water into glass cups and wash up their cutlery afterwards. Children are forward thinkers and independently use the dustpan and brush to clear away any mess they have made.The curriculum expertly aims to ensure children have a wide range of exciting opportunities that support their cultural capital.
For example, children have opportunities to learn French, practise yoga and go on outings in the local area. Children have regular visits from different professionals, such as doctors and the police, to teach them about their work.Children have fantastic concentration during activities and are always eager to join in.
For instance, when playing letter bingo with staff, children search for letters they recognise and practise sounding them out. They anticipate the instructions from the teacher and thrive from the praise.Leaders are passionate to provide children with an inspiring early years education.
Leaders work well with other professionals to ensure all children are supported in their learning and development. The owner provides staff with regular training to enhance their teaching and knowledge. However, she does not always successfully monitor the impact of all training to identify any weaknesses in their knowledge.
For example, some staff do not have robust knowledge on wider safeguarding issues, such as the 'Prevent' duty. Nevertheless, all staff know how to report any concerns about children, to keep them safe.The owner has made improvements since taking on the role.
She has worked hard to enhance the environment, resources and teaching. To further enhance the already good leaderships skills, the owner must ensure all required documentation is available on inspection, including that relating to all staff.Parents are extremely complimentary about the setting.
They describe the staff as welcoming, friendly, supportive and enthusiastic. Parents are delighted with the progress their children are making and see great improvements in their social skills, independence and confidence. Parents enjoy having opportunities to be involved with the setting and feel supported by the staff.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are confident identifying the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. The owner ensures staff receive regular supervision meetings.
These give staff the opportunity to discuss confidential or sensitive issues. When appointing new staff, the owner follows a thorough recruitment procedure to ensure staff suitability. The owner regularly checks that employed staff remain suitable to work with children.
The deployment of staff is effective. Children are always supervised and staff maintain a safe and secure environment, protecting children from harm.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: further review the impact of training during supervisions, to ensure all staff knowledge is secure in relation to wider safeguarding issues nensure all required documentation is present and available on inspection.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.