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About Blooming Buds Childcare
Blooming Buds Childcare
Simonstone St. Peters C Of E School, School Lane, Simonstone, Burnley, BB12 7HR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are eager and happy to attend this club. They enjoy a wide range of age-appropriate and exciting activities, such as arts and crafts, reading, games and sport.
Children enjoy attempting to build their own Great Wall of China. They use chopsticks and building blocks and work as a team to problem solve. Children affectionately express they feel like they are part of a family when attending the club.
Leaders and staff know the children well and are kind and warm towards them. In addition, their expectations of the children are high. Staff involve children in decision-making and take the time to listen to their ideas ...and views.
Children discuss the club rules and rank them in the order of what they think are the most important. Leaders and staff recognise how children have been affected and the impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They have ensured strategies are in place to increase children's learning opportunities and to support them to form new friendships.
Leaders have set up a buddy system where an older child is paired with a younger child and acts as a mentor. They sit next to each other at mealtimes and read stories together. As a result, children are developing skills in social situations and are building confidence.
Children always display kindness and respect to each other.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children behave extremely well. They listen intently to instructions and react in an appropriate manner.
Children display a secure understanding of routine and what is expected of them. For instance, children are encouraged to choose their snack from a choice of healthy options and help themselves to fresh water. In addition, they clear away their plates and cups after snack and assist their friends to complete the task.
Staff continually acknowledge and praise children's efforts. As a result, children comprehend healthy lifestyle habits.Throughout the session, there is frequent conversation and laughter from children as they independently engage in a choice of games and activities.
As an example, children relish participating in a game of chess while discussing tactical moves. Children share their win with staff and friends, which is commended with clapping and cheering, recognising the success. Therefore, children display good levels of self-esteem.
Staff offer support when required and engage positively with children. Children develop their physical skills through a range of activities. They are excited to engage in sports and actively join in with team games.
Children patiently wait their turn and increase their skills. For example, children enjoy a game of pool and congratulate their friends when they pot a ball. Staff offer support, demonstrating how to correctly hold a pool cue.
As a result, children develop confidence. Furthermore, staff effectively support children to manage their feelings and behaviour.Children willingly work together and are keen to help each other.
For example, on school collection, older children ensure they are partnered with younger children to walk across the road. Older children offer support and guidance on road safety. They remind younger children to look both ways and wait for staff to say it is safe to cross.
All children show an awareness of mutual respect and a good understanding of teamwork.Leaders have established strong links with local schools. They involve children, staff and parents in discussions to identify strengths and areas for development of the club.
Furthermore, staff are encouraged to engage in continuous professional development that is based around their interests and that will benefit the experiences of the children. For example, the leader identified that some children's behaviour improves when they are involved in sporting activities. As a result, one member of staff is undertaking a qualification in physical education.
Partnerships with parents are well established. During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents were unable to access the club. However, parents now collect their children from inside the club and staff can provide verbal feedback face to face.
Comments from parents are very positive. They express how much their children enjoy attending the club. Moreover, they confidently report communication from leaders and staff is detailed.
Parents are happy with the arrangements that are in place to keep their children safe and secure.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders make sure that all staff attend appropriate training in a timely manner to ensure they can identify when a child may be at risk of harm.
The leader has responsibility for safeguarding and has completed detailed training to aid them in supporting children, families, and the staff. Staff confidently explain how they would follow the procedure if there were allegations made against a colleague or concerns about a child. The leader ensures risk assessments are carried out and ensures all areas are checked before the children arrive.
Staff continuously check for risks and remove any during the day. As a result, children can play in a safe environment. The premises of the club are safe and secure.