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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The manager and staff provide children with an abundance of exciting, purposefully planned learning experiences that captivate their interests and promote a love of learning.
Babies and children embrace fully the opportunities to play and learn in safety. All children are fully equipped with the skills they need in readiness for school. Pre-school children demonstrate high levels of learning during their independent play.
They have clear aims and negotiate and solve problems as they play harmoniously with their friends. Children form extremely close bonds with staff.The manager and staff continuously review thei...r curriculum to ensure that it accurately reflects the current learning needs of the children.
They place a strong focus on providing children with experiences they have not had anywhere else. Older children enjoy weekly visits to a local care home to meet elderly residents. They learn to adapt their behaviour and control the volume of their voices as they engage in conversations with the residents.
Staff precisely tailor daily rituals, such as lunch and snack times, so that children receive continuous challenge in their independence. Two-year-old children stack chairs after lunch without being prompted. Babies learn to pinch their nose when they wipe it with a tissue.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider ensures that the manager and staff have access to extensive opportunities for continual professional development and supervision. Following recent training, staff in in the pre-school enhanced their mathematical areas to promote children's knowledge of estimating. Staff in the baby room changed the organisation of furniture to enhance babies large muscle movements.
The manager has developed a strong culture of self-reflection and provides staff with extensive support to empower them in their roles. She works closely with room leaders to meticulously review the quality of teaching and the impact this has for children. Staff have a positive approach to self-review and identify how they can enhance their own practice.
The special educational needs coordinator leads staff to provide excellent teaching for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. She works closely with outside agencies to ensure that children are fully supported to achieve their development milestones. For example, she joins parents at children's appointments, so she can see first hand what they must do to precisely support children's individual needs.
Staff who provide children with one-to-one support use their expert knowledge and understanding of the children to provide them with bespoke learning that precisely matches their needs.Each child benefits from two key persons to provide continuity in their learning and form strong attachments. Staff are highly skilled in their observations of children to determine what they already know, so they can plan to further their knowledge.
The manager leads staff to implement highly effective intervention programmes to help children who need further support.Staff are intuitive and have an excellent knowledge of child development. They provide children with outstanding enhancements to their play.
For example, they recognise that some children prefer to learn while they watch others and support children to reflect on what they can see around them. Staff help babies to build their confidence to stand. Babies let go of the table they are using for support, so they can hold onto a flower to paint with.
Pre-school children have a thirst for knowledge, and staff share exciting facts about animals to spark quality discussions.Staff consistently implement the excellent communication and language curriculum throughout the nursery. They make excellent use of books and rhymes to develop and extend children's use of language.
The manager aims for children to have a deep understanding of 20 books and songs by the time they leave the nursery. Staff provide children who speak English as an additional language with excellent teaching, so they can confidently use the various languages they speak.Children's behaviour is excellent.
Staff provide children with clear boundaries and guidance so that children understand what is expected of them. They make gentle interventions to help babies learn how to use equipment safely, such as when they are sweeping up with a broom. When children find it difficult to manage their feelings and behaviour, staff monitor children meticulously to identify potential triggers and implement targeted support.
Children benefit from an extensive curriculum that helps them to learn about keeping themselves safe and healthy. Pre-school children understand about their friends' food allergies. They show an interest in reading first-aid books, then develop their understanding through role play.
Younger children learn about their personal hygiene routines, including oral health.Parents are thrilled with the service provided by the staff. They report how staff give them with comprehensive information about their child's learning and ideas to continue this at home.
Parents appreciate the many workshops that the manager provides them with to support their their child's early education. They value the opportunity to take books home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The manager continuously reviews the safeguarding practice and policies to ensure that the arrangements are as rigorous as possible. The manager and staff are highly trained to identify signs that may indicate a child is at potential risk of harm. The manager keeps updated about child protection concerns in the local and surrounding areas.
Staff know what to do if they have any concerns about a child, including managing allegations about staff. The manager completes thorough vetting procedures to check that new staff are suitable to work with children. She implements meticulous checks regarding staff's ongoing suitability.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.