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The Circus, Seaville Drive, EASTBOURNE, East Sussex, BN23 6LJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The manager succeeds in making sure her ethos of empowering children to take ownership of their learning runs through the nursery. She has implemented planning systems that enable staff to follow children's thoughts and interests. Staff use these effectively to move all children forward in their learning to meet the targets they set to ensure all children make good progress.
Children of all ages are eager to explore. They feel safe and secure in the strong relationships they have with staff. As a result, they feel confident to engage in self-initiated play that staff build on skilfully to develop their learning.
In the... baby room, this is demonstrated when staff use babies' interest in washing dolls as an opportunity to teach them the names of parts of the body. Toddlers show confidence as they take on physical challenges, with staff's support, such as climbing up a climbing frame to get to the slide. Pre-school children develop great independence and are very effective learners.
They demonstrate this when they use problem-solving skills to make a pathway through a giant muddy puddle by using crates. As staff intervene to challenge and extend their learning, children challenge themselves to jump further or to make the water splash higher. They use and understand mathematical language as they put the concepts they are finding out about into practice.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager puts a strong focus on encouraging healthy living. She works closely in partnership with parents to ensure children benefit from nutritious meals. She encourages parents and children to cook the nursery's 'recipe of the week' together.
Children learn how to keep themselves healthy. For example, toddlers learn how to clean their teeth.Since looking closely at how children progress, the manager has been proactive in improving the outcomes for communication and language for children under three.
Staff support children well to develop their speech and language. For instance, they always ensure they have eye contact when they talk to children and model language clearly to ensure children learn how to pronounce words.Children have rich learning experiences that help them to develop skills essential for their future education.
Children throughout the setting enjoy sharing books with staff or telling stories themselves, using pictures as cues. Children develop hand strength and learn to control tools. For example, toddlers eagerly paint using brushes and water, developing early writing skills.
Pre-school children identify the sounds that letters represent and independently select letters from their names.Staff work effectively with other professionals to help support the ongoing development of children who speak English as an additional language and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They show skills in adapting practice to meet the children's individual needs.
Parents report that they feel very involved in their children's learning. They make good use of the systems that are in place to enable them to support children's development at home. For example, parents learn the songs that babies enjoy.
Older children choose books that they proudly take home in their book bags, and parents provide feedback to staff on how children enjoyed them. Parents praise the staff and the manager for the great support they give them.At times, the organisation of routines and daily chores causes disruption to children's learning.
For example, when staff come out in and out of the baby room, babies become unsettled and their interactions with staff are interrupted.Staff well-being is of upmost importance to the manager, who is implementing systems to ensure her staff remain healthy and happy. This includes by reducing the workload and providing opportunities for staff to relax with weekly yoga sessions.
Staff receive high levels of input and support from the manager to support their ongoing development as practitioners and to help them to gain higher qualifications. The manager provides training which helps her to ensure her ethos is promoted effectively. For example, she is currently working with staff to help them support children to develop their own thoughts more.
However, arrangements for the supervision of staff do not provide opportunities for staff to share good practice across the different rooms and learn from each other.Children learn how to behave positively. They consistently demonstrate lovely manners and great social skills.
For instance, they ask politely if they can share toys with other children, who instantly engage and involve them in the play.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager ensures that staff understand fully how to recognise if a child's well-being is at risk.
This includes by providing frequent training. As a result, the staff team is highly vigilant and knows precisely how to act if a concern arises. The manager follows rigorous recruitment procedures to ensure that the staff she employs are suitable for the role.
She continues to monitor staff suitability rigidly. She ensures staff know that can talk to her at anytime about sensitive issues, to maintain their own well-being and that of the children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: norganise routines more effectively to limit disruptions to children's learning and to enable staff to focus more intently on their teaching nimprove the supervision of staff to provide opportunities for them to share good practice across the different rooms and enhance the quality of teaching to outstanding.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.