Bluebell Hill Nursery

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About Bluebell Hill Nursery

Name Bluebell Hill Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 6-8 Rosehill, Hednesford, Cannock, WS12 4RT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive at this inclusive nursery, happy and eager to start their day.

They, along with their parents and carers, are greeted enthusiastically by a dedicated staff team. Children learn about healthy lifestyles. They practise their gross motor skills as they complete a small assault course.

They run around cones, dodging the 'flying aliens'. Their friends cheer as they master their coordination, kicking a football and scoring a goal into the net. Children make healthy choices at mealtimes and recall how milk is good for our bones.

Staff provide exciting learning experiences that build on children's inte...rests and prior learning. For example, children deepen their knowledge of bugs and insects. They discuss and explore their different features.

They are introduced to new names such as 'crane fly' and 'praying mantis'. They excitedly go on an insect hunt, using their knowledge of where individual insects live to successfully find them. Children are active learners.

Children behave well. Staff encourage them to recall rules throughout the day. For example, they know that they must tiptoe through another room when they transition to outdoor play.

Extra consideration is given to the learning environment for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff have created a happy and safe environment for all children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

All staff have a sound knowledge of their curriculum and what they want children to learn.

They establish children's starting points through discussions with parents and carers. Staff make good use of observations and assessments to monitor children's development. That said, staff do not always offer children the support they need to learn new skills.

Therefore, children do not always make the highest level of progress in their learning.Relationships between staff and children are extremely positive. Staff are warm, attentive and nurturing.

They promptly pick up on the cues of children with SEND, recognising that they are tired and offering them calm and reassuring cuddles. Staff are excellent role models for children. They encourage manners consistently and, as a result, children are polite and courteous to each other.

The director uses early years pupil premium funding well to enrich children's education and experiences. Children learn new skills through sports sessions, which are delivered by an external provider. They learn about the world around them through visits from a local farmer.

Children learn important life skills in caring for animals as they feed baby lambs and interact with the nursery's therapy dog. The additional funding provides some truly wonderful experiences for children.Support for children with SEND is very good.

Staff make timely referrals to outside agencies and provide tailored support and interventions. The director is committed to ensuring that staff have the knowledge and training they need to support children with SEND effectively. Planned activities are adapted to meet children's individual needs, allowing them to play alongside their peers.

This helps create a sense of belonging and promotes acceptance. As a result, children with SEND make good progress from their starting points.Staff have carefully considered the learning environment to ensure that it covers all areas of learning.

For example, they have dedicated areas to support mathematics and writing. This helps children to make good progress in their learning.The management team is passionate about providing high-quality care and education for children and their families.

They place a strong focus on staff's well-being and provide ongoing support to enhance staff's professional development. As a result, staff feel extremely well supported and describe this nursery as a happy and positive place to work.Parents speak very highly of this nursery.

They value thorough handovers at the beginning and end of every day. They feel well informed of their children's development and are aware of their children's next steps. Parents of children with SEND feel the nursery has paid an integral role in getting their children the support that they need.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support children further during planned activities to enable them to learn new skills and make the best possible progress in their learning.

Also at this postcode
S4K Camp - Blue Bell Hill Nursery Pye Green Academy

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