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Bollinbrook C of E Primary School, Abbey Road, MACCLESFIELD, Cheshire, SK10 3AT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy and settled at the pre-school. They make good progress in their learning.
The key-person system is embedded and this helps children to form secure attachments with staff. All children, including those who speak English as an additional language and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are well supported. Staff know the children well and they plan meaningful experiences for them across all seven areas of learning.
Younger children enjoy making marks in the outdoor area with chalks as they draw and talk about their own faces. Older children enjoy following recipes to make th...eir favourite meals in the mud kitchen.The manager is passionate about her role and adopts a curriculum that is rich in language.
Early reading is promoted well as children have opportunities to borrow books to take home from the library. This helps to support parents to continue children's learning at home. Mathematical skills are actively promoted.
For example, staff support children to count out the correct number of people to put into the numbered cones.Children are becoming independent learners. They put their own coats on, wash their hands before lunch and pour their own drinks during snack time.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and her staff have a clear vision for the pre-school. They work very well together as an enthusiastic and committed team. Staff provide a well-thought-out curriculum that builds on children's interests and what children already know and can do.
Staff complete regular observations and assessments of children's development. They have a clear picture of individual children's progress and work closely with parents to decide on their next steps together.The manager monitors staff's practice through regular supervision meetings.
Training and coaching are used well to develop staff's knowledge. This helps to improve practice and outcomes for children.Self-evaluation includes the views of staff, children and parents.
The manager and staff have worked hard to improve the transition process for those children moving to school. This has helped to promote continuity in children's care and learning.Parents speak highly of the pre-school.
They feel that staff are friendly and approachable, and they are kept well informed about their children's progress.The manager and staff have forged effective partnerships with the local school and a range of professionals. The manager works well with relevant agencies to help children receive the specialist support they need to help them learn and develop.
This helps to improve staff's knowledge of how to support children, including those who speak English as an additional language and those with SEND.Children's communication and language skills are developing well. Staff talk with children about what they are doing.
This helps children link words to actions. Staff extend children's vocabulary as they talk about how the leaves feel, what they look like and what they smell like.Children learn how to develop healthy lifestyles, including understanding the importance of exercise.
The pre-school provides healthy and nutritious snacks and children enjoy their social mealtimes. They have many opportunities for physical play, including riding on tricycles and practising throwing balls into basketball nets. Children's physical development is extended by taking part in the weekly 'Fizzy Totz' session.
Children make good progress from their starting points. They are working at a level typical for their age and they gain the key skills needed for the next stage in their development and eventual move to school.Staff plan exciting activities for children.
These help to motivate and excite children into learning. However, staff sometimes miss opportunities to teach children about the rules of the pre-school to further extend their good behaviour.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good understanding of what constitutes a safeguarding concern. They understand the procedures to follow to protect children from harm. The manager ensures staff keep their knowledge up to date.
They attend training courses, access online training and have half-termly staff meetings. Good recruitment procedures and rigorous background checks ensure that children are always cared for by suitable adults who have the necessary skills to fulfil their roles in the pre-school. Risk assessments are completed to minimise any risks to children.
Children are supervised well in all areas of the pre-school. Consequently, children are protected.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more opportunities for children to learn about the rules of the pre-school.