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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy at this friendly club.
They follow a familiar routine that helps them to feel safe and secure. For example, on arrival, staff encourage children to tidy up their belongings, choose a healthy snack and sit down to eat with each other before the start of the activities. Children and staff smile and chat throughout the afternoon.
Staff show an interest in children's day at school and their thoughts and feelings. As a result, children feel valued.Children talk positively about their time at the club.
They comment that they feel happy to come and that they really like the outdoor games. Children, ove...rall, behave well. Staff gently remind them about the club's rules when needed.
They role model respectful interactions and encourage children to do the same. Children demonstrate positive relationships with one another, such as they say 'goodbye' and wave to their friends as they leave the club.Staff encourage children to move in different ways and to engage in active play daily.
For example, children enjoy running agilely and changing places during a game. The club offers an inclusive service. Children of all abilities and backgrounds are welcomed and supported to take part in and enjoy the activities on offer.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The club's activities are mainly sports based and staff place a focus on supporting children's healthy habits. Children have plenty of opportunities to spend time outdoors, benefiting from energetic play and fresh air. Children enjoy nutritious snacks and staff provide clear messages about foods that are good for them.
Staff support children to follow good hygiene routines and they understand the importance of this.Children learn how to keep themselves safe. Staff talk to them and explain why they need to tuck their chairs under the table, so they do not fall over.
Children have good opportunities to develop their social skills and enjoy each other's company. Staff are good role models and set clear expectations for their behaviour. Children learn why some behaviours are not acceptable through the guidance of staff.
Staff explain the consequences of their actions and help children to understand how their behaviour can affect others. Staff encourage children to be kind to each other and offer them gentle support, when they struggle to regulate their feelings.Staff help children to build friendships and positive relationships with each other.
They encourage children to join in group activities and to show appreciation for their peers' efforts and achievements. Children clap and cheer each other for doing well.Children have regular access to a large outdoor play environment and staff help them to develop their physical skills and games.
For example, as children practise their throwing skills during a bowling game, staff explain the best way to hold the ball and how to release it to hit the cones. Children show focus and concentration as they attempt to follow staff's directions. Staff and their peers praise children when they are successful and offer words of encouragement when they are not.
This helps to build children's self-esteem and perseverance skills.The provider has robust recruitment procedures in place to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff have opportunities for ongoing professional development.
They report that they access training and feel well supported by the club's leaders. The provider understands the importance of reflection and evaluation to develop practice further. The provider regularly holds discussions with staff to review their practice.
This helps staff to improve the experiences offered to the children.The club works in partnership with the school. Teachers bring children to the club and share any updates.
Staff gather relevant information about children from their parents and the school. This supports continuity of care and children's emotional well-being and individual needs.Parents are kept informed about their children's day through conversations at collection times.
Parents comment that they are happy with the experiences their children have at the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.