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Playing Fields, West Bourton Road, Bourton, Gillingham, SP8 5FG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
Summary of key findings for parents
This provision is good • The management team has a very strong vision and focus on improving outcomes for children.
Effective plans identify what they need to do and how within agreed timescales, resulting in positive changes to the environment and a focus on staff training and developing children's natural curiosity in the world around them. • Management makes very good use of funding to benefit individual and groups of children. This has led to children enjoying a wider range of nutritious meals and activities that encourage their physical abilities and skills.
• Staff work with parents and other professionals very well to ensure those children with medical needs thriv...e and flourish at the setting. There are extremely clear plans in place to ensure children remain safe, well supervised and monitored at all times. • Children make good progress from their starting points.
Management tracks individual and groups of children's progress closely to promptly close gaps in their learning. • Staff plan well to enhance children's physical well-being. Children enjoy long periods of outdoor play, where they explore, investigate, play imaginatively and are physically active.
• Recent changes to the planning process mean that, overall, children receive good-quality staff support. However, at times, staff are not always clear about children's next steps, to target their support and interaction more effectively during activities and children's play. • Management does not ensure that staff use their good skills and training to better effect, to help all children achieve more rapidly, particularly those that need help in their communication and language.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.