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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children arrive highly excited for their day in this exceptionally nurturing and inclusive setting. Staff warmly greet children who they know very well. Children are engrossed in ambitious activities, exploring and investigating.
Staff plan challenging activities that follow children's interests and build on previous learning. For example, children playing in the outdoor area build a fire engine. They use available resources to create seats and hoses.
Staff ask questions to encourage children to think in their play and enhance their ideas. Staff have high expectations for children. The unique and ambitious curri...culum caters to the needs of all children in their care.
It provides excellent support for children who speak English as an additional language (EAL) and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Children behave very well as they are engrossed in inspiring and captivating activities. Staff give children clear instructions and direction to ensure they know the routines well and what is expected of them.
Staff recognise when children are struggling with changes in their lives and plan activities to help them manage their emotions. For example, pre-school children are prepared well for their transition to school and staff work with parents and local schools to help children understand the transition. Staff have created an area dedicated for children to explore their emotions and to express any worries they may have.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The dedicated and enthusiastic manager has a strong vision for the setting. She strives to consistently find new ways to keep improving all areas of the setting, ensuring the best possible outcomes for children. The dedicated and happy staff are well qualified and eager to develop further.
They regularly evaluate the setting and share ideas on improvements. They are motivated to provide excellent care for children. This is evident in their practice.
Parents praise the staff for the care and attention their children receive and how well all staff know the children's needs and personal circumstances. They appreciate the regular updates and feedback on their children's progress and how they can support learning at home. Parents enjoy events at the nursery, where they are able to meet other families and see the activities that their children enjoy and how they learn.
Managers and staff plan an exciting and challenging curriculum for children. They know children extremely well and learn about children's home lives and backgrounds to provide children with new and exciting experiences and opportunities. Successful assessment allows staff to plan effectively for what children need to learn next.
Staff act quickly to address any gaps in children's learning, meaning all children make excellent progress.Staff use spontaneous events to expand children's knowledge of the world. When children found frog spawn in the garden, staff took them to a local park to put this in the pond.
Staff then followed up by planning a wealth of exciting learning experiences for children about the life cycle of frogs. Children learn about other cultures and languages. Older children confidently sing and count in Spanish while younger children take part in the actions of the song.
Children's language and communication is supported extremely well. They use simple sign language and picture cards consistently to help children communicate their needs. Children with EAL make good progress.
Staff work closely with parents to learn key words and phrases. Children with SEND make good progress and staff adapt activities highly effectively to meet their needs. Children are enthralled by experiences where they learn about differences between themselves and find out how words are written in Braille.
Staff ensure that children have ample opportunities to be outdoors throughout the day. Children benefit from eating and sleeping in the garden areas. Staff are highly sensitive to children's needs and they ensure that their play is not interrupted.
For instance, they provide flexible routines which empower children to decided when they want to eat. Children excitedly explore areas where they grow vegetables and plants. They learn how to look after these and show excitement when watering the plants and seeing them grow.
Children choose from a range of activities that staff plan for them. Younger children laugh with delight as they splash in the water tray and use different equipment to transfer water from one place to another. Older children are engrossed as they explore different materials, including fruit, seeds and tea bags.
Staff encourage children to talk about the smells and textures and how these change when water is added. Staff expertly extend activities to build on areas of children's interest.Children's physical development is supported through planned and spontaneous activities.
Older children take part in daily yoga sessions led by engaging staff. Younger children are supported to develop new physical skills by exploring activities that help to develop their motor skills. For example, younger children explore sensory activities, such as scooping oats.
Staff add water and the children mix these together to change the texture, making it more challenging for the children to scoop.Staff support children's independence skills very well. Children show independence at an early age by making decisions for themselves and through self-care routines.
Staff build on these developing skills as children progress through the nursery.Staff expertly incorporate mathematics into children's activities. Children learn to count in English and in other languages.
When using measuring jugs, older children look at the numbers on the side and talk about what they mean. Younger children are introduced to numbers through songs and books.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Managers and staff have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities to protect children from harm. They can identify signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm or abuse. All staff understand the procedures for referring any concerns about a child's welfare.
Staff receive regular safeguarding training to ensure their knowledge is current. Safe recruitment procedures are in place and adhered to, this ensures all staff are suitable to work with children. Risk assessments are reviewed to ensure the ongoing safety of children.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.