Brambles Community Pre-school

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About Brambles Community Pre-school

Name Brambles Community Pre-school
Ofsted Inspections
Address Thornhill Primary School, Byron Road, Southampton, SO19 6FH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children happily skip into class, eager to begin their day.

They have warm bonds with all staff and behave well. Children are inquisitive and keen to learn. They love sharing their thoughts, ideas and creations with adults who are important to them.

For example, children proudly show off the creations they have made with the magnetic building tiles. Children learn about different textures and sensory experiences through play. They play with toy animals in a range of sensory 'habitats'.

For example, they enjoy playing with polar bears in shaving foam and ice and 'desert creatures' in the sand. Staff use tablets... to help children learn more about the animals when they have questions. Children develop a love for stories through engaging activities.

For example, staff use a range of excited tones and voices to capture children's attention as they listen to their favourite stories. Children are enthralled by stories as they shout out their favourite phrases, such as 'do not turn the page'. Children start to learn how to keep themselves safe as they play.

For example, young children learn to wait at the top of the slide until its safe to go down.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The nominated individual has a good oversight of the provision. She has a clear vision and regularly reflects and evaluates.

The nominated individual ensures she implements any needed changes quickly and thoroughly. For example, she has reflected on the recording of accidents to ensure any patterns can quickly be identified.The ambitious curriculum builds on what children already know and can do.

The overall aim is for children to become confident 'life-long learners' who have a 'love for learning'. This helps with their development both now and in the future.Staff skilfully support children with their independence.

They teach children how to be independent through everyday routines. For example, children learn how to put on their own coats, hats and wellingtons before going out to play in the garden.The management team has a good awareness of the local area and where families live.

This helps the team provide rich and varied experiences for children to extend their learning and development further. For example, they recognise the importance of outdoor learning for those who do not have access to a garden. As a result, they ensure children have plenty of opportunity to access the garden space.

All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make good progress in their learning and development. Staff work well with external agencies, such as physiotherapists, to ensure children's needs are being met effectively.Staff quickly put interventions into place to support children when gaps in development are identified.

For example, children highly benefit from a small nurture group. This helps children develop their self-regulation skills and understanding of different emotions. For example, children talk about how they feel that day, using picture cards as prompts.

They show the progress they are making by happily and calmly taking part in meditation at the end of group time.Additional funding is used well to meet children's needs. For example, staff have purchased climbing equipment to further support the development of children's arm and leg muscles.

This helps children to make good progress in their physical development.Staff become highly engaged and focused in their activities with the children. However, staff are not always vigilant in ensuring that all children, particularly quieter children, are fully engaged in activities.

Staff recognise that they want children to be good communicators as part of the curriculum. However, at times, staff do not fully support children's communication development. For example, they use over-complicated instructions with children who do not yet have the understanding.

Additionally, staff do not consistently repeat words back to children so that they hear the correct pronunciation. This then impacts on the progress children can make in their language development.Parents speak highly of the provision and staff.

They feel that staff communicate well. Parents comment positively on the frequent updates they receive through an online journal system which includes ideas of things to do at home with their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers are highly committed to safeguarding children and demonstrate their commitment 'to be the children's voice' when needed. Staff have a secure understanding of the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk from harm. They know how to report these concerns to their designated safeguarding leads.

Staff are secure in their understanding of how to report allegations to the relevant external agencies in line with local safeguarding partner processes. They demonstrate a good understanding of the importance of risk assessing the environment and resources each day.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop teaching further to ensure children, particularly those who are quieter, benefit from more adult support to engage in activities focus on the development of staff's understanding of communication and language to ensure children make the best possible progress in their communication and language development.

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