Bretons Preschool 2 @ St Helens Church Hall

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About Bretons Preschool 2 @ St Helens Church Hall

Name Bretons Preschool 2 @ St Helens Church Hall
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Helens Church Hall, St. Helens Court, Rainham, RM13 9YU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff spend time getting to know each child and what makes them unique.

They ask the children questions to find out about their backgrounds. Children feel valued as they share information about themselves. Staff create nurturing, warm relationships with children, who go to them for reassurance.

Children are happy and feel secure. They settle easily into the setting and come in excitedly ready for the new day. Children are kind to each other.

They behave well. Staff work together to plan experiences for the children that are closely linked to what they need to learn. They adapt the resources in response to chil...dren's learning needs and what they enjoy doing.

Children feel excited to investigate play activities that challenge them with their friends. For example, in the role-play area, children explore real vegetables. They use their imagination as they make 'soup' for their friends.

Children practise cutting the vegetables as staff teach them new vocabulary like 'parsnip'. Children ask staff the meaning of new words as they talk about the soup and the ingredients they have used. In the garden, children chat happily with their friends and decide what to play with.

Children concentrate and try hard. They learn what they find interesting and make choices about what to do next.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager leads the pre-school well.

She has a clear vision of what she wants the children to learn. She shares this vision effectively with all staff. Staff feel confident about their roles and responsibilities.

This ensures the smooth running of the pre-school and effective delivery of the curriculum.Managers and staff create a well-sequenced curriculum which helps children to learn a range of skills and knowledge. They work together to adapt activities to meet the needs of all children.

Children reach their individual developmental milestones.Staff create a relaxed environment with a range of interesting activities. However, on occasion, the environment does not promote children's focus on learning.

For example, children crowd around some activities and struggle to share. The noise levels inside the pre-school sometimes make it difficult for children to hear staff. Children are not always able to fully develop their concentration skills.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported. Staff diligently identify gaps in learning. They work with external agencies to provide expert support where required.

The pre-school staff attend training so that they can provide children with targeted support to close any gaps in learning. All children are well prepared for the next stage of their education.Staff support children to learn the meaning of new words.

They read to the children and engage them in conversation throughout the day. However, on occasion, some staff do not maximise opportunities for children to use expressive language and not all children have enough time to practise these skills and use new vocabulary in their play.Care practices are effective.

Children are learning to become increasingly independent. For example, they wash their hands and get themselves ready for snack. When children get muddy outside, they clean themselves up with the supervision of staff.

Children are learning self-care skills.Parents are happy with their children's experiences at the pre-school. They say that communication helps them to understand what children are learning about and what they need to learn next.

Parents say that they work together with the nursery to help children to reach their milestones.The manager works effectively with staff to identify when they need support. She listens to staff and takes on their feedback.

Staff report high levels of well-being and say that they enjoy working at the pre-school.The manager is reflective of her practice. She regularly evaluates the pre-school and adapts practices to suit the children's individual needs.

For example, she has developed the outdoor space to ensure children have an enriching range of outdoor experiences. Children feel excited to go outside and explore the interesting activities on offer.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager has a range of policies and procedures in place to help safeguard children. These are shared with all staff effectively. Staff are confident and knowledgeable about the signs that children may be at risk of abuse or harm.

They understand how to report their different concerns to appropriate authorities. All staff understand the action to take in the event of an allegation being made against an adult. They have a strong understanding of the safeguarding issues that may effect children in their care.

Staff regularly attend training to help keep their knowledge and skills up to date. They carry out routine risk assessments to ensure the pre-school is safe for all children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: further develop the learning environment to promote children's focus on learning nexplore continuous development opportunities to support staff to develop their teaching of expressive language.

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