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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children are highly motivated to learn and extremely happy and settled in this welcoming and friendly nursery. Staff work hard from the outset to build exceptional relationships with children and parents. They continue to develop these strong bonds with children during the time they spend at the nursery.
For example, key staff move to the next room as children progress through the setting. This helps children to feel emotionally secure and supports them exceptionally well to adapt to the change. Children's behaviour is exemplary.
They form firm friendships with others, demonstrating kind and considerate attitude...s. Children wait patiently while their friends wash their hands before joining in with a bread-making activity. They welcome them to the group, handing them an apron they have saved for them.
Children of all ages readily engage in conversations. Babies confidently babble and sing familiar songs. Older children engage well with visitors and routinely invite staff to join in with their play.
Children confidently explore the well-resourced environment, both indoors and outside. Staff have high expectations of children's learning. They regularly review and revise the targets set for individual children.
This helps to ensure that all children make excellent progress in all areas of learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider, who is also the manager, leads her committed and enthusiastic team exceptionally well. She provides dedicated and targeted support for all staff.
Staff express how supported they feel in their roles. They explain how the manager gives a high priority to their welfare, ensuring their workload is well managed. Staff are supported to attend further training.
The manager gives them ongoing support and encouragement to gain new skills. This has a positive impact on the quality of teaching.Staff expertly weave children's interests into the plans for their future learning.
This helps children to remain focused and engaged in their learning. For example, quieter children are encouraged to become involved with discussions when they talk about farm machinery as this is a particular interest to them. Children's vocabulary is extending.
They spontaneously use excellent descriptive words, with enthusiasm, such as 'gigantic' when talking about diggers and dumper trucks.Staff encourage children to talk about their feelings and emotions. Children listen intently to the story of 'The Little Red Hen' and talk about how the hen was feeling when the other animals did nothing to help her.
Children tell each other that they would feel sad if their friends did not help them. This helps them to understand the impact that their behaviour and choices have on others.Children's literacy skills are developing extremely well.
Pre-school and toddler children readily join in with telling the story. They use their imaginations as they pretend to sprinkle 'imagination dust' onto their heads before starting to tell the story. Babies can independently access books.
They frequently fetch books from the shelf and take these to adults, indicating that they would like the story to be read to them.Children excel in their mathematical development. Staff skilfully introduce children to a wealth of mathematical concepts.
For example, children learn to measure the water they need for bread making. Children comment that the 325 millilitres of water needed is 'a very big number'. Children count the number of tables and chairs needed for snack time, compared to the number of children.
Staff provide excellent opportunities for children to develop their physical skills. Children join in with exercise sessions, completing a daily run outside before settling down to planned activities. They expertly use tools, such as knives and melon ballers to prepare their fruit for their snack.
Children confidently explain to others the safety rules when using such tools, explaining that they must never touch the blade and always keep their fingers out of the way.Partnership working with parents is excellent. Staff share daily information with parents via the online communication system and through discussions and conversations.
Parents express their utmost satisfaction with the nursery. They describe how settled and happy their children are. Parents say the staff are 'fantastic' and go 'above and beyond'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff have an excellent understanding of child protection issues. They are familiar with the procedure to take prompt and efficient action should they have any concerns about children's welfare.
Staff are confident with the whistleblowing policy and procedures for reporting allegations. They supervise children well and ensure a safe environment is maintained for the children. Staff have a very good understanding of the signs that may indicate a child may be at risk of harm, including of radical and extreme views.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.