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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are greeted by name and welcomed into this child-centred and friendly pre-school. They quickly settle and choose what they want to play with from the range of resources staff arrange in the room.
Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure as they show trusting and close bonds with the staff. They show enthusiasm in what they do, and enjoy playing with staff and their friends.Children are encouraged to be creative and to use their imagination as they play.
They show good concentration and hand control as staff guide them how to use scissors safely to cut out pieces of paper. Children spread glue onto card t...o make their own pictures while staff talk to them about what they are doing. Staff encourage children to name colours and talk about shapes they make.
Children develop positive attitudes to learning and problem-solving. They love to build dens and work well in groups as they do this in the garden. Children use their critical thinking skills to work out how to place sheets over the climbing frame so that they will stay in place.
They only seek the support of adults when they are unsure of how to secure these. This supports children to develop their imagination while playing and cooperating with their friends.Children behave well and listen as staff give instructions and explain rules.
Staff role model respect and manners through their interactions with children, and with each other. For example, when children hand staff items they have asked for, they thank them for their help. In turn, children are quick to say please and thank you, without the need for reminders.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team and all staff have worked hard since the last inspection to improve the provision for children. They have worked closely with the local authority improvement advisor, and taken guidance about how to meet the actions raised. The management team and staff know and understand how to recognise safeguarding concerns and how to report these appropriately, both in house and externally as needed.
The provider has ensured that all staff have developed their practice to improve the curriculum and learning experiences for children.Overall, staff interact well with children as they play. The curriculum is well planned to support and reflect the individual needs of children and what they need to learn next.
This helps children to focus and become involved in their play. However, sometimes teaching is not consistently strong. Some staff are not as skilled at implementing the curriculum effectively which means that they are less able to build on children's learning.
There is good support in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The provider and her team recognise and plan appropriately for children's individual learning needs through observations and ongoing assessments. They work well with parents, as well as other professionals to provide a consistent approach to meet the individual needs of children with SEND.
Staff help children to develop healthy lifestyles and place a strong focus on helping them to become independent. Children know to wash their hands before meals and snacks and are adept at blowing their nose when needed. They have access to the outdoors where staff support them to develop a range of skills, such as running, climbing and building, as well as gaining fresh air and exercise to support their good health.
Overall, children's communication and language skills are developing well. Staff know the children and understand that some children struggle with their communication and speech. They ensure they speak clearly to children and give them time to process what they hear.
However, not all staff remember to talk to children as they play, or use more challenging vocabulary to help children build their communication skills even further.Parents comment positively on the provision for children and how much the setting has improved since the last inspection. They comment on how the staff take time to get to know their child, using their interests to support children's learning.
Staff share information about children's learning with parents both verbally, and through an online application. Parents know what their child has achieved, as well as what they need to learn next. These positive partnerships help children to settle quickly and develop strong bonds with staff.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support all staff to implement the curriculum more consistently so that activities reliably support children's individual learning needs nencourage staff to use opportunities to help children develop and use their growing vocabulary and language skills more.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.