Bright Horizons Chandlers Ford Day Nursery and Preschool
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About Bright Horizons Chandlers Ford Day Nursery and Preschool
Bright Horizons Chandlers Ford Day Nursery and Preschool
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Since the last inspection, the wider leadership team has worked closely with staff to successfully address all actions raised.
Children are confident to approach staff for help and guidance, and demonstrate that they feel happy to attend. They are eager to wave their parents and carers goodbye during drop off, and quickly settle into activities of their choice. Children share that they enjoy playing in the water tray and having their lunch.
Younger children show fascination with many resources of interest, such as balance blocks. They develop good coordination and early problem-solving skills as they learn to balance a...nd negotiate the space around them.Children show high levels of engagement and concentration.
Younger children take pleasure in rolling cars through paint and smile as they make marks. Older children are extremely keen to develop their imaginative ideas in their newly designed role-play area and invite staff into their play.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Managers have high expectations for the nursery.
They have employed new staff to ensure qualification requirements are met. They complete effective monitoring of staff practice, which has improved the overall quality of care and education. Staff talk positively about the support they receive and are keen to continue to improve.
They complete daily reflections to review aspects that went well and what they may do differently next time.The manager has a clear vision for what she expects all children to learn. She has successfully shared her vision with staff, who implement this well.
A new way of planning has been introduced. This enables staff to consider what children already know and to offer challenging experiences. There are times that staff do not protect valuable learning experiences.
They leave the room during group activities, reducing the number of staff present to support activities. Not only does this distract children, it also impacts their engagement levels.Staff make good use of ongoing assessments of children to plan activities that help them to make good progress, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
They gain some information from parents before children start. However, staff do not fully explore what children know and can do, to ensure their educational needs can be fully supported from the beginning.Children behave well and respond positively to the rules and boundaries.
They contribute to keeping their environment safe as they tidy away in preparation for other activities. Staff work consistently to support children to self-regulate their feelings, to help them develop good social skills. Children are beginning to manage conflicts themselves.
Staff communicate well with children. They role model language and narrate alongside children's play to support their understanding and vocabulary. Older children learn new words.
Staff carefully introduce mathematical language and problem-solving skills. For example, they discuss what tools are 'small', 'big', 'light' and 'heavy' as children transfer sand using spoons and ladles.Younger children's emotional needs are met well by staff.
When they show any sign of distress, staff are reactive and quickly step in to offer support. Children receive cuddles and positive distractions, such as stories and their favourite songs.Staff are respectful to children's wishes.
They ask their permission before carrying out personal care needs. Staff sing in calming tones, with children contently listening and joining in.Children thrive when being physically active.
Babies develop good core strength as they learn how to steady themselves when using a rocking boat. Older children move in different ways as they play running games.Parents talk positively about changes that have been put in place since the last inspection.
They say the manager is competent and has helped them resolve any questions. Some parents say communication is good. However, some say that staff could share more information about activities.
This is something the manager continues to work on.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers have provided all staff with additional safeguarding training.
They monitor staff's knowledge regularly to review any gaps in their understanding of safeguarding procedures. Staff are now confident to discuss what actions they would need to take should they have a concern about a child or the conduct of a colleague. They confidently know the signs that indicate a child may be at risk of abuse.
Staff have a good knowledge of wider safeguarding issues, such as protecting children from extreme views. They provide a safe and secure environment for all children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the arrangements to obtain information from parents before a child starts, to enable staff to be fully prepared for all children's educational needs from the start review the organisation of the day to enable staff to focus as fully as possible on supporting children's learning.
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