Bright Horizons Hyde Park Day Nursery and Preschool
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About Bright Horizons Hyde Park Day Nursery and Preschool
Bright Horizons Hyde Park Day Nursery and Preschool
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy and playful at this nursery. They confidently choose resources to play with from the wide range available.
Staff build strong relationships with all children. Babies are excited to see their key person and reach out for cuddles. Staff provide children with lots of praise and encouragement, which supports their self-esteem.
Pre-school children show pride in their achievements as they develop self-help skills, such as putting on their coat and jumping between stepping stones.Children behave well and staff set clear expectations for their behaviour. For example, they teach children to take turns with re...sources and to serve their food.
Staff treat children with respect and listen to their choices, such as recognising when they are not ready to sleep or wanting to take part in a particular activity. Pre-school children are beginning to show care and concern for the feelings of others. For example, children listen to each other as they share their 'ouchies', referring to something that may be wrong with them.
All members of the staff team, including the leaders and managers, are ambitious for children's learning. Staff provide a stimulating environment which encourages children to initiate their own play ideas. They plan a range of learning opportunities that prepare children well for the next stage in their learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers have taken steps to improve since the last inspection. All actions set have been met, which demonstrates their commitment to meeting the requirements of the early years foundation stage. They have sought support from the local authority and have put plans in place to monitor the improvements made to ensure these are embedded.
Staff have clear intentions for children's learning. They use observations of children's development to plan next steps in their learning, which means all children make progress. However, not all activities are sufficiently tailored to children's individual learning needs, so they can progress even further.
Children's communication and language development is supported well. Staff model spoken language as they play with children and introduce new words such as 'vinegar' and the names of animals. Children are confident communicators.
They enthusiastically join in with songs and rhymes and comment on the pictures in books.Children who speak English as an additional language are supported well. Staff gather key words in children's home language to support their communication.
Some children enjoy opportunities to speak to staff in their home language which gives them confidence.Children develop good physical skills. Pre-school children learn to balance on wooden blocks and move with confidence outdoors.
Babies explore textured materials in treasure baskets and learn to grasp objects. Toddlers develop their finger strength even further as they roll play dough and put train tracks together.Children enjoy healthy, balanced meals and snacks throughout the day.
Staff sensitively encourage children to try new foods and ask if they want more to ensure children have enough to eat. Children learn more about where food comes from through growing activities outdoors and playing with real vegetables in the home corner.Children demonstrate positive attitudes to learning.
Babies persevere and put rings on a stick and beam with pride when they succeed. Toddlers are curious to take part in science experiments, such as making coloured volcanos.Partnerships with parents are effective.
Parents receive regular updates via a digital app and verbal feedback each day. Although there have been recent changes in the staff team, which have caused some minor disruption, overall, parents feel supported by their child's key person.Leaders and managers spend time in the rooms, providing positive role models to the staff.
They give staff regular feedback and opportunities to discuss children's progress. Staff have completed a range of training, including safeguarding, to improve their knowledge and skills. This means staff are confident about their role and they are keen to share their ideas to further extend children's learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: further develop planning so activities are tailored to follow children's interests and individual needs and support their good progress.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.